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What there's no Prussia??? Then I have too remove those stickers from my car... Man I'm really into yesterday's news ain't I? I'm saying grey because it always seems to be fucking grey wheather over here... you know, like a big grey sheet covering the whole sky, and there's no telling whatsoever where the sun might be... it's just like... Mordor.

And the word redneck comes from farmers down south (USA) who walk around in the heat all day working the land, geting sunburned on their neck.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
what do you want me to do - list all the countries in europe which used to be communist?

well, lets see, prussia no longer exists nor does the communist block, and if you're that much into historical things then why don't you go a little further back and see what country/region was in place of 'your' prussia prior to that
yeah yeah like 800 years ago this was like slavonic land, but ya'll missing the point, whic is that the wheather is fuckng grey over here!!! it's like pobservational humor on my part: why is it always grey behind the iron curtain (which I know doesn't exist, and you're all part of europe and EU now, or a lot of you at least, and everyones happy etc...) Is it a propaganda tool you think? Or is it just a geographical area where there's alot of grey wheather/ clouds?

Besides, I'm not prussian, I just live here.
I was "there" poland, belgium and france in june and july and the weather in all those countries was fucking awesome, although a bit humid in france, a bit too hot in belgium and just pefrect in poland, had to wear long sleeves/sweatshirt, got to love it ;)

I'm not missing any point, you always seem to downgrade and look down upon your so called "easatern block", or 'behind iron courtin' or whatever the fuck you have a problem with, in many of your posts, not just some weather shit post, so HUGE fuck you for that, that's all,
part of EU, whoope fuckin' do, that union will ultimately be everyone's downfall,

Which city in prussia do you live in now? Maybe I was there during my ride for vengence versus the Teutonic order

TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
yeah yeah like 800 years ago this was like slavonic land, but ya'll missing the point, whic is that the wheather is fuckng grey over here!!! it's like pobservational humor on my part: why is it always grey behind the iron curtain (which I know doesn't exist, and you're all part of europe and EU now, or a lot of you at least, and everyones happy etc...) Is it a propaganda tool you think? Or is it just a geographical area where there's alot of grey wheather/ clouds?

Besides, I'm not prussian, I just live here.
another teenage phase that will go away like the zit season ... the funny thing with you; is to trace back all your old posts and see how they seem to contradict months down the line. We can't all go from praising Prussia one month to being in dire awe to remnants of the 3rd Reich the previous one ...