Aggressor said:
Here "Metal" is on its way back...
After Satyricon released "Volcano" (their worst album by far...) alot of kids started to listen to it...thinking this was what Metal was all about...
The video for "Fuel for hatred" was even aired a couple of times on a Norwegian youth TV-show.
Im not really sure if I like this...ok, I like it when people walk around with Darkthrone, Mayhem, Immortal and Maiden shirts, if they really are into Metal...
But not if they have just heard "Fuel for Hatred" and think that all Metal is like that...
I remember... I first started with Rammstein, followed by IM...That was a crazy time

But nonetheless cool...

Norway must be fucking cool...Metal on TV. I can only dream of it.
But the kids are a slight problem

I think its normal. Somebody comes and brings something different, or even strange...Then the kids start to like it but don't know what's really up. Okay, I wrote that I've started with Rammstein(that was when I was 11). When they released their song 'Engel' everyone liked Rammstein. Kids who first ran after pop started to listen to this band.
I was no exception. Okay, I hadnt' ran after pop, but I developed a taste for harder music since Rammstein's Engel had been shown everywhere.
Then I had my punk-trip. Bad Religion, Sex Pistols etc, you know

(that was with 12/13)
Then I listened to (yes, beat me if you want) Nu Metal(!) and Alternative Rock.(that was with 14)
During this musical development Iron Maiden was by my side the whole time. Soon, I noticed that Nu Metal and Alternative Rock is pure shit...(always this fucking poser Fred 'Redcap' Durst and this fucking boring music)and returned to IM and Rammstein. With late 14 I bought my first Heavy Metal-Mag(Hammer - yeah, beat me again if you want). I don't know why, but I just bought it

I read the reviews and decided to buy Blind Guardian's " A Night at the Opera". I liked it...and I still like this band. Then I stumbled over the Hypocrisy-Special and the Hypocrisy song on the CD (Destroyed-Catch22)...and everything was for the ass. I bought the record and fucking loved it. I decided to buy some other Hypo-releases and I loved them too. From there on, everything was fucked up. Immortal, Iron Maiden, Bolt Thrower, Darkthrone, Satyricon, Thyrfing, Amon Amarth, Meshuggah and many other bands

(old & new stuff)
I 'discovered' the Black/Death/Thrash/Viking-Metal for me. Now I'm 15, obsessed and as happy as fuck with this music

(Everything turns to the good

I only wrote my musical history as a kind of example.
I'm the proof, Nu Metal 'fans' can find the 'right' way

and I think my passion for metal won't change ...Too many good bands and sounds, and a much too good feeling while listening

So, give the kids the time to discover this music, and perhaps some will find the way

Musical knowledge comes with experience and interest and I'm very interested in it and I'm sure, I'm not an exception
NP: Hypocrisy - Until the End