Chinese eat human fetus for sexual power

I observed this for quite some time now; convince a chinese that it helps his sexual power and he will eat it.
Honestly, try it out with something (that is not completely perverse)
Must be fake, but HOLY SHIT that is sick
Its for real. Unfortunately it is quite a common practise in china. Human life are worth less due to over population. The babies are generally female as the chinese favour male so they can continue the bloodline.
Anyone can write gory lyrics for lulz
I'd like to see any of the members of CC willingly tuck into a bowl of foetus soup.
This is very old. I´ve seen these shit over and over again for like 10 years. Some of them are from an art exposition by a chinese that I don´t remember the name. This is not only obviously fake, but also super racist. In the past people said that jews were baby eaters too. No, seriously, just read the site you´ve linked. It´s a "Letters to the Editor", the text has no names, no address, no dates, no sources, no nothing. They even had the guts to stamp their logo on pics that have been around for years. It´s obvious that cannibalism is forbidden in China and Tawian, and it´s a shame that people spread racist bullshit like this.