Chinese Metal


New Metal Member
Oct 15, 2003
I just listened to an album released by a chinese metal band, and their music is pretty good. It is my first time to listen to asian metal band.China has a long history which is good for metal.
There are quite a few really interesting Chinese bands.. and I mean bands really coming from China. Death Angel are from CA.. etc.. there are a lot of Japanese bands, but China has a more obscure metal scene, because of the communist state. THe bands are very underground and there are very few chinese labels, and they are really underground. Actually there are some live shows in China, but again they are kept very underground and secret. Some of the best Chinese bands are Ritual Day (awesome!), Beeline, old school death/trash like Vomit, there is another thrash band called Bloodbath, not to be confused with Swano's band... Purgatory, which are blackmetal, Rotten Corprse, decent deathmetal, they have only a demo out.. Brutal deathmetal band called Endopurecense.. also have an album out... Hades, a doom-metal band, only have songs out on various comps, there are also quite a few Powermetal bands from China. Mort Productions ( ) is probably the most productive label releasing chinese metal there is.. but most of it is still really hard to come by. A good place to start is finding a copy of the Chinese metal comp that Mort Prod released called Resurrection of the Gods - Underground Attact from China. I believe there are 2 volumes of this, but i've only seen the first.

Korea, also have a good metal scene.. I wont go too in depth into that, but bands like Sad Legend, Moonshine, Oathean.. good shit..

Maybe sometime in the future I will have a special on obscure asian metal on my radio show....