Chiropractic Care Versus Medical Examinations

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The Winnipeg Warrior

The Winnipeg Warrior ®
In today’s consumer driven health care environment, patient satisfaction is an important health outcome measure.

There have been several surveys conducted in recent years assessing patient satisfaction with chiropractic care, which was found to be extremely high. In addition, these surveys invariably found that the level of satisfaction was significantly higher for care received from chiropractors in comparison to the medical profession.

Surveys have also indicated that chiropractic patients are willing to return for chiropractic treatment for a similar condition and would recommend chiropractic treatment to friends, family and colleagues.

As we all know, chiropractic uses a preventative and holistic approach as opposed to a diagnostic approach when dealing with general healthcare issues. Which on the surface, can save our health care systems trillions of dollars. However, many traditionalists have not and will never visit a chiropractor in their lifetime.

Most if not all medical insurance covers chiropractic these days.....for the full 100%. And chiropractic offices are becoming exceedingly our malls, in our neighborhoods, and within our work complexes. Many sports teams have a chiropractor on staff.....and professionals in the entertainment field travel with one when they film on location.

Do you think the saturation point and acceptance level has reached it's critical mass yet? Or does this field still have a long ways to go in order to gain respectability? After all, we are seeing Acupuncturists, Masseuses, Holistic healers, and many other alternative forms of medicine gain acceptance in popularity and public perception. As well as the increase in sales of medicinal herbs for the same purpose.

And is alternative medicine more readily accepted in North America as opposed to Europe.....where the populice is more homogoneous as compared to our diverse nature over here?


I don't know much about all this ..but I will say, just going by the patients level of satisfaction may not lead to an accurate assesment of benefit especially since shortterm benefits do not necessarily reflect longterm ones. Also, the fact that these patients return despite "successful treatment" is interesting to me, and I would also question the extent going to see a chiropractor actually prevents problems.

Realistically, ones posture, activity level and a number of things people do over many years and decades including how much calcium they get will have a much larger impact on bone health etc, and down the road may help prevent more serious problems then any chiropractor could do, at least in my mind.

Again, I am clueless in this area ..but these are my first thoughts.
judas69 said:
I don't know much about all this ..but I will say, just going by the patients level of satisfaction may not lead to an accurate assesment of benefit especially since shortterm benefits do not necessarily reflect longterm ones. Also, the fact that these patients return despite "successful treatment" is interesting to me, and I would also question the extent going to see a chiropractor actually prevents problems.

Realistically, ones posture, activity level and a number of things people do over many years and decades including how much calcium they get will have a much larger impact on bone health etc. down the road, may help preventing more serious problems then any chiropractor could do at least in my mind.

Again, I am clueless in this area ..but these are my first thoughts.
i agree with this...sort of...what i meant when i said i love chiropracters is that i'd rather go to a chiropractor than have "risky" (potentialy lethal)
surgery and i'd rather go to a chiropractor (that can't give me a perscription) than go to a doctor that's just going to cram pills (with potentially lethal side-effects) down my throat just to put money in his pocket
Birkenau said:
Oh come on now, what the hell does this have to do with any philosophical issue?

Im thinking Winnipeg Warrior is a Chiropracter himself. I did like his last post in the love thread however.
Birkenau said:
Oh come on now, what the hell does this have to do with any philosophical issue?
it becomes a philosophical issue when it becomes an ethical issue
in the USA (i'm not so sure about any other countries) there is a scary huge number of situations where the doctor makes a hell of alot more money if he DOESN'T help the patient to his fullest ability (such as the afore mentioned "cramming pills down someone's throat") and when a patient goes into potentially life threatening surgery there are actually lot of med insurance situations where the doctor actually makes MORE money if the patient dies and if the patient goes into ER as the result of assault and dies on the operating table, then the person guilty of the assault is now still guilty of murder (instead of the doctor) even if it can be proven that the doctor(s) made absolutely no attempt to save the patient's life and a large number of these situations the patient dies because it is actually a crime for the doctor to save the patients life...(again i am talking about american medical and am completely un familiar with other countries)
There is a philosophical question in the sense that America is becoming a so-called "medicated nation" where drugs are handed out indisriminantly. So, I guess, one could question the nature of this rampant prescription of drugs, the reasons behind them and why traditional (and bizarrely enough, MORE expensive) forms of treatment are being subverted by drugs.
Final_Product said:
There is a philosophical question in the sense that America is becoming a so-called "medicated nation" where drugs are handed out indisriminantly. So, I guess, one could question the nature of this rampant prescription of drugs, the reasons behind them and why traditional (and bizarrely enough, MORE expensive) forms of treatment are being subverted by drugs.
sadly, America has become "the land of the pill-poppers"
As I had mentioned before, pharmaceuticals are the #1 killer in America ..and despite America being such a large producer and user of these drugs, they still rank around the 80's in relaction to other health care systems in the world. Mexico even has better health care than the states...

Another problem is the way advertisers of these drugs target an ignorant public, the way doctors are sold on these products ..and the way education system receives money for the number of kids on ritalin etc. It's not about health, it's about profit.

My final point is that healthy living can be much more effective than a pill. Cholestoral for example, can be reduce significantly more just by changing your diet and exercising .. but today, no one is willing to bother and would rather take a pill despite potentially life threating side-effects longterm, and it is probably less effective.

Medication is amazing under certain conditoins .. but is deadly if not used properly.
judas69 said:
As I had mentioned before, pharmaceuticals are the #1 killer in America ..and despite America being such a large producer and user of these drugs, they still rank around the 80's in relaction to other health care systems in the world. Mexico even has better health care than the states...

Another problem is advertising these medicaitons on television and the way doctors are sold these products (with perks) for use ..and the education system receiving money for the number of kids on ritalin etc.

My final point I just forgot .. damnit.
it all boils down to money... USA has the richest medical doctors on the planet (we also have the richest psychological doctors and lawyers but that's kinda off topic)
The steady rise in prescription drug taking is just a reaction to agressive (and suprisingly legal) sales techniques employed by the drug companies and the "quick fix" nature of people today. (I reckon)
People are inherently both .. just as evil as they are good as I see it .. just depends how early in the morning you catch them :)

But seriously, we are just as passionate about killing, as we are about loving.
I don't believe in taking medicine or drugs to "cure" myself either. My chiropractor pretty much saved me from something really serious that was wrong with my neck last year, that i'd had since an accident as a baby but wasn't noticeable until recently. I go to him now once a week/two weeks. My body's been able to heal it self considerably since then.

No pill would have ever been able to re-align my body in such a way that it could heal properly.
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