Choir Recording Video

"Banging your head in a few months" eh? So you're saying we can expect the album in a few months then...
Great, great stuff, again...

Wanted to quote you on the 'few months' thing too. :)
Matt, thanks for recording this video! Man that is so interesting to see how you do what you do...good stuff! Thanks again..

You know, when I just heard the guitars for that song before I wasn't all to excited, but now that I hear it all pieced together it sounds amazing. Actually, that little clip is probably my favorite of what I've heard so far (and that's saying a lot). Can't wait for "a few months" to roll around :). I'm super excited to hear how the label situation works out, hope you guys get a good one.

God bless
Y'know Matt, the choir parts in your songs are impressive enough as it is... This video just gave me a deeper appreciation for your vocal technique and the recording process. This was a real treat to watch, so I thank you!

As far as your comment that the computer screen would be boring to watch... I'm used to dabbling in Logic and its baby brother GarageBand, so I was envisioning what you were doing with the tracks during the mixdown. That would have been fun for me to watch too! (Understandable that not everyone is into the technical side of things...)

Again, thanks for the behind-the-scenes, man!

Thanks for re posting the videos of Matt. I never realized how much it took to make the Theocracy sound.