Choosing monitors. Opinions needed

Dec 29, 2010
Well unfortunately where I live it's not easy to demo monitors myself. The guitar center that is located somewhat nearby only has like the garbage ass m-audio and company entry level loud speakers so I'm stuck buying online without any clue as to how they will sound.

To get it out of the way, my room is treated as of a week ago. Good paneling and bass traps are up and blah blah.

Anyway in my price range it's looking to be either dynaudio bm5a's and Yamaha hs80's. Room is a little bigger than an average bedroom so it's not too small but certainly not big.

Anyone have experience with either of these monitors or both? If you wish to make another suggestion that would also be very appreciated.

Thanks ahead of time dudes.
I attempted a search. I was in and out of every relevant thread for over an hour and still couldn't find a very straightforward comparison between the two. Obviously everyone has an opinion but I was just hoping that maybe someone who happened to have used these would be able to make a concise comparison of the two based on their experience with em but idk. Honestly im leaning towards the yammies so maybe I'll just do that since I can't really find what I'm looking for regarding the two.
There's a thread about the HS80's kicking about from the last week. Think it's called Holy Shit Mids or something like that.
The HS80's are good. As Jarkko said, for your budget (sub 1000) they are likely as good as you'll get. Jarkko had a pair before upgrading to the Focal Twins. There are many guys around here that use the HS80's and get great results with them. I'm using them and I really like them. If you're in a treated room, you should be fine. Good luck.
Nowt wrong with the M-Audio monitors, tbh. It's all about your ears and your room. Sort those, and you can mix on any monitors you like. Just takes a bit of time to climbatize to them.
From memory the BM5As are a fair bit more 'hi-fi' sounding. They have some holes across the mids which may not lead to the best mix balancing. For the budget, it's hard to go wrong with the HS80Ms. The BM5As are in a financially awkward spot, where you're generally better to pay less and get the Yammies, or save up more and get something actually decent like Twins, Opals, MM35s, O300s etc.
What about the new Event 20/20 BAS? I havn't had a change to try those but i've had my eye on them since they came out.

Dynaudio BM5a are not all bad, they're good enough if you can get them used. I got mine for about 450$ used so i really had to jump on them when i saw them since i had crappy m-audio BX5a's which are currently setup as speakers for my TV and PS3 lol. I like my BM5a's enough to not feel the need to upgrade for a while. Just now received my ADI-8 and i can't wait to see what kind of improvement i will get with that compared to the outputs of the Saffire 56. Been curious to see how much of an impact higher end converters really have.
What about the new Event 20/20 BAS? I havn't had a change to try those but i've had my eye on them since they came out.

The old ones are horrible, and from what I've heard the new ones aren't much of an improvement. I seldom judge gear so bluntly, but I hate the 20/20's. If I'd have to describe their sound with one word, I'd pick "cardboard."

Could be just me, though.