Chris Broderick watches me sin at night alone


John Tetley flesh ebay
Dec 4, 2003
Richmond, VA
So I come home from work today at around 11:00pm, and when I get my shoes off and some food to sit down with, I look in front of me at the computer and Chris' business card is sitting there. What the hell? There are laws against this, Mr. Broderick.

But seriously, I don't know where I got this from. I haven't ordered Jag Panzer merchandise since the release of Casting The Cojones, and I don't keep in touch with California much besides with Zac and threatening mail to celebrities. I will find out how this happened and report back, maybe. The thought of a traveling door-to-door Chris Broderick is also believable.


Edit: I'm on the east coast, northern Virginia to be exact.
MacBethanizedWarfare said:
So I come home from work today at around 11:00pm, and when I get my shoes off and some food to sit down with, I look in front of me at the computer and Chris' business card is sitting there. What the hell? There are laws against this, Mr. Broderick.

But seriously, I don't know where I got this from. I haven't ordered Jag Panzer merchandise since the release of Casting The Cojones, and I don't keep in touch with California much besides with Zac and threatening mail to celebrities. I will find out how this happened and report back, maybe. The thought of a traveling door-to-door Chris Broderick is also believable.


Edit: I'm on the east coast, northern Virginia to be exact.
Yea, I hadn't had a chance to go door to door in the east coast until now ,Next it's Canada and Mexico, and Tomorrow the world (Ahhahah!!!).
Actually I have an idea how that got there but you'll have to post and let us all know what happened.

Take care, Chris.
Chris_Broderick said:
Yea, I hadn't had a chance to go door to door in the east coast until now ,Next it's Canada and Mexico, and Tomorrow the world (Ahhahah!!!).
Actually I have an idea how that got there but you'll have to post and let us all know what happened.

Take care, Chris.

I have only one logical idea as to how it got here; my friend Vito used to live on my street but moved out to CA in the last year, and said he was going to see if he could get lessons from or at least get to meet you. Other than that, I'm sticking to the door-to-door Broderick theory. It creeps me out, so I like it.
MacBethanizedWarfare said:
I have only one logical idea as to how it got here; my friend Vito used to live on my street but moved out to CA in the last year, and said he was going to see if he could get lessons from or at least get to meet you. Other than that, I'm sticking to the door-to-door Broderick theory. It creeps me out, so I like it.
Vito is a current student of mine, and a killer player as well. He brought a friend from VA last week to hang at the lesson and when leaving, grabbed some cards.
Chris (door to door sales man)
Damnit...I thought there would be far more magic & mysyery invloved in this event. Even the door to door Chris would have been far cooler than a logical explantion.

Oh well...
Chris_Broderick said:
Vito is a current student of mine, and a killer player as well. He brought a friend from VA last week to hang at the lesson and when leaving, grabbed some cards.
Chris (door to door sales man)

Damn, that's awesome. I hope I get to visit out there sometime as well. That kid's been shredding since back in the day, when we would pump Korn CDs and wore oversized band shirts to drape over our 4 1/2 foot tall bodies. I'm glad he still sticks to it.
MetalAges said:
When someone refers to Korn CDs as "back in the day" ... I know I'm getting old... sigh. Haha. Howdy neighbor! (Manassas here)

Yeah, well, my buddy and the rest of our buddies were in like 4th/5th/6th grade when Korn's first and second albums came out, and eventually I think seeing them live just sort of made us realize that we shouldn't really listen to that sort of thing anymore.

Howdy neighbor back!
You saw them live? I'm sorry...

I used to consider them metal training wheels, when you were ready for the good stuff you dumped shit like Korn. Then I realized, you can't classify Korn with metal, it's heresay.

I guess we all do dumb things :loco:
Avalanche9601 said:
You saw them live? I'm sorry...

I used to consider them metal training wheels, when you were ready for the good stuff you dumped shit like Korn. Then I realized, you can't classify Korn with metal, it's heresay.

I guess we all do dumb things :loco:
Sounds like em exactly... But I forced all my friends to follow me, now they all love bands like Maiden. I'm trying to force Jag Panzer ont hem but ti's not working yet!
Katana Overlord said:
Sounds like em exactly... But I forced all my friends to follow me, now they all love bands like Maiden. I'm trying to force Jag Panzer ont hem but ti's not working yet!

Casting The Stones is the best album to introduce em with...maybe when they start to grow some balls you can throw on some AMPLE FUCKING DESTRUCTION. :headbang:
Avalanche9601 said:
So Ample Destruction is an ok CD, Jean? :loco:

Only the greatest album of all fucking time. :worship: :D

But man, did I ever change my opinion about Casting The Stones. It's a definite grower, because now I put it up as their second best album.
Only the greatest album of all fucking time.

But man, did I ever change my opinion about Casting The Stones. It's a definite grower, because now I put it up as their second best album.

Well you've inspired me to look, but it's nowhere to be found on eBay. :(

So I guess you started out disliking CTS? I really liked it right away, from the moment I heard Battered and Bruised. (You could download it from Century's site a long time ago)

Some of the songs did have to grow on me though, I feel like a few of them are just out of the other's league.
Avalanche9601 said:
So I guess you started out disliking CTS? I really liked it right away, from the moment I heard Battered and Bruised. (You could download it from Century's site a long time ago)

Oh dude, as soon as I recieved my copy I ordered from the site, I definitely liked it from the get-go. But not as much as I like it now.

EDIT: Oh, and Ample Destruction is beyond essential if you're a Metal man of any kind.
Jean-Pierre said:
Only the greatest album of all fucking time. :worship: :D

But man, did I ever change my opinion about Casting The Stones. It's a definite grower, because now I put it up as their second best album.

JP, I'm with you; Ample Destruction is their best album. Mechanized Warfare is their next best.

I don't know why, I still don't really care for CtS. I've tried, I just don't get it, I guess.
Jean-Pierre said:
Oh dude, as soon as I recieved my copy I ordered from the site, I definitely liked it from the get-go. But not as much as I like it now.

EDIT: Oh, and Ample Destruction is beyond essential if you're a Metal man of any kind.
It's like that for me too, I liked all their albums from the start but the only that wasn't really a grower was Mechanized Warfare, it seemed more catchy, where as Casting and Thane I like but kept growing, now Thane is my fave.

Unfortunately I only one those and CoC, I badly need AMple, but it's hard to find.