Chris Brooks, a question for you..


teh shredz0r
Hey Chris,

You seem to know a bit about clinics.. If you like them, the drummer from Anthrax is having a clinic next Tuesday at Bambam Music in Blacktown, Sydney. Just wondered if you were going. The shop address is 156 Main St. Blacktown.. Just look for a massive orange and black building lol.

If you hear of any clinics in the Sydney area, will you PLEASE post them here or on the JP Forum. Even email me if you wish @

Thanks man.. Keep up the great work!
You might even see your name on my (first ever) site!

Cya later..
you know, there is a Private Message function on this board for exactly this purpose.

urinalcakemix said:
pfft. I had the whole Chris Brooks pay attention to me and answer a silly question thread. Go back to the swingset timmy, I beat you to it..
Haha, but maybe we can franchise this between the northern and southern hemispheres. :)

petrucci_dude said:
You seem to know a bit about clinics.. If you like them, the drummer from Anthrax is having a clinic next Tuesday at Bambam Music in Blacktown, Sydney. Just wondered if you were going. The shop address is 156 Main St. Blacktown.. Just look for a massive orange and black building lol.

If you hear of any clinics in the Sydney area, will you PLEASE post them here or on the JP Forum. Even email me if you wish @
I'll have to give it a miss because I teach at that time, but thanks for letting me know. If I hear of any clinics (or do any myself) in the near future I'll be sure to shout it out somewhere.


PS Your site looks great and thanks for the kind mention. Rock on!

Thanks for the site feedback Chris. It's not perfect yet of course (nothings ever perfect to me of things I do lol) but its nice of you to compliment it, (speaking of another post I read of course, in case people don't know what the hell im on about).
Hey dont' worry about the JP forum thing. I thinks some guys just wanted to pick on the thread since it was worded in a slightly flammable way. :Spin: I guess it worked with getting attention, because when Scott started the same kind of thread the day before I was the only one that replied. I guess controversy does breed success.

:lol: yeah I don't give a damn too much, I find that about forums, if there's something to pick on, some people will pick on it just because that's the kind of people they are. You can't possibly keep EVERYONE happy.

Anyway thanx, you're a sweetheart :cool:
Yeah Chris, a clinic that YOU do would be AWESOME! I asked Peter Mulas if he knew of any, and he said he didn't know when your next one would be. He said you also asked him to do something for you or teach or something a while back? Anyways, he got a new JS1000 in a Custom Burnt Blue/Black finish and I got that S470DX in Black lava metallic that I was on about!

*Hey Carys!*

Catcha all later..
petrucci_dude said:
Chris, that Clinic, the Charlie Bernante one? The time is now 5.30pm not 1pm.
Still doesn't work because I teach all afternoon and evenings but thanks!

petrucci_dude said:
Yeah Chris, a clinic that YOU do would be AWESOME! I asked Peter Mulas if he knew of any, and he said he didn't know when your next one would be. He said you also asked him to do something for you or teach or something a while back?
Yeah, I asked him if he was available to come and talk to me about maybe doing some teaching, but he never got back to me about when/if he was available. The school is always on the lookout for decent dependable teachers so if he needs steady work he can still come talk to me.

SilentRealm said:
Anyway thanx, you're a sweetheart :cool:
Anytime. :)
Chris, perhaps when i'm older and a little more to Peters level of playing (he thinks I will be better than him, i'm just going through a players and writers block atm lol) maybe I could approach you for some teaching jobs. I teach locally, some kids at my school, and I really enjoy it. It isn't hard teaching people the things I learnt years ago. I haven't had any challenges yet though!

Anyways, cya Chris