Chris Caffery, Jack Frost and Mark Briody JOIN Metal-Temple.Com Magazine


New Metal Member
Jun 16, 2004
Metal Temple Magazine proudly announces the addition of three very special editors! Chris Caffery (Savatage,Trans-Siberian Orchestra), Jack Frost (Seven Witches) and Mark Briody (Jag Panzer) have just joined forces with the “Temple” and are going to be sharing their very own thoughts with verybody! All this will be happening right in our Magazine’s Forum, free for all to view, no subscriptions required! Here’s what each of them had to say about this unique feature:

Chris Caffery: “Greetings On-line Metal Maniacs...For the past seven years I have enjoyed sharing my recording, touring and personal experiences on-line via and most recently I am proud to announce that I will begin to write to you here on Metal I hope you enjoy what the future may bring you here, through myself and my writing. Thanks for your support!”

Jack Frost: “This will be so killer to give my feelings on metal. Not because I’m a pro player but as I’m a real metal fan. I will try to give great topics on gear, producing, touring, and anything else that may be questions unanswered. I have to say thanks to Metal-Temple for asking me. This will be a true metal honor and I will try to do my best. Metal is a way of life.”

Mark Briody: “I feel honored to be asked to participate in the forum at Not only does it give me a chance to connect with fans, but it also lets me exchange views with excellent musicians like Chris Caffery and Jack Frost. I look forward to chatting with everyone on the board.”

More Musicians are going to be announced soon as this is an exciting experience for those who not only know how to rock on stage but also know how to rock online and of course a more than exciting experience for all the metalheads who’ll be visiting!

- Metal-Temple.Com Magazine Crew