Chris Caffery Q&A


Unfortunately, due to the holidays & other commitments, Chris Caffery wasn't available for a phone interview. I was given the opportunity to email him the questions that I had intended to use & which, some of you helped with.
Anyway, here's the final draft of the questions & I'll be awaiting for his responses & then post them here for you all to check out....

1.) What inspired you to put out a solo record now? Not that the timing was not right, but you've been a member of Savatge for a number of years & you haven't issued a "official" solo project.

2.) The first disc, which is "Faces," has fitting title. It truly shows the various "faces" of Chris Caffery, you have the mid-tempo, softer material, to the "crunchy" side. Was this how you envisioned the record or is this just how it turned out?

3.) What lead to the second disc "God Damn War?" Was it the tracks that were left over? Or was it something that inspired a second disc worth of material?

4.) How would you describe your vocals to fans that haven't heard the record? I hear Jon Oliva "light"in your vocals. Not to be critical about your vocal abilities, but you don't have the range that Jon has.

5.) What's your stand out tracks on the "Faces" record? And what are the standout tracks on "God Damn War?"

At Progpower you sang "Edge of Thorns" and "Power of the Night." Who's idea was it to perform those two tracks and why?

7.) How is Zakk Stevens doing since the accident? Are you allowed to say?

8.) Savatage is has one of the most dedicated "cult" followings in metal history. Does that reputation weigh heavily on your minds when writing new material?

9.) Which leads to our next question, how do you view your participation in TSO East? Obligation or Opportunity?

10.) Your guitar volume and tone is already pre-set when you walk onto the TSO stage, very little improvising, if any. Is this frustrating in any way? Or does the HOLIDAY atmosphere of the band and the audience make up for that?

11.) How would you describe a T.S.O. show to the readers that haven't ever experienced it?

12.) You've known Jon Oliva for a long time. How would you best describe the changes in Jon over the past two decades, both personally and musically.

13.) What changes have you noticed in yourself as a player & as a songwriter in the last few years?

14.) What plans do you have in mind to promote the "Faces" record? What are the odds of a tour to support the record? Will the people that played on the record also participate in any live dates?

15.) Do you have any idea when we'll be getting a new record from Savatage? Has there been anything written yet?

16.) In closing I'd like you to write what comes to mind about the the following:
Dirty Looks-Turn the Screw:
Big Mouth-Not Quite Right:
Gutter Ballet:
Witch Doctor-Witch Doctor:
Doctor Butcher-Doctor Butcher:
Dead Winter Dead:
The Wake of Magellan:
Poets & Madmen:
Trans-Siberian Orchestra:
Zakk Stevens:
Jon Oliva:
Chris Oliva:

Thanks for taking the time to answer some questions & I wish you the best in all future endeavors.