Chris Kontos...Ex-MH/Testament....Slams Machine Head...."Trendy Nu-Metal"

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Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
Ex-MACHINE HEAD Drummer Slams Former Bandmates, Calls Them Trendy 'Nu Metal'

Ex-MACHINE HEAD drummer Chris Kontos has posted a lengthy message on a public message board explaining his side of his split with the group nearly 10 years ago and offering a scathingly negative opinion of the band's recent musical output.

In a posting that is believed to have been made late last year, Kontos — who is currently pounding the skins for the San Francisco Bay Area rockers THE SERVANTS — stated, "[MACHINE HEAD] is still a sore subject with me but I don't let it get in the way of my life.

"At the time I played on [MACHINE HEAD mainman] Robb [Flynn]'s demo in May of '92 — I was still in VERBAL ABUSE and a band called GRINCH. Robb Flynn was out to start a new band and had sought me out in the hardcore punk scene. The songs that Robb played me were raw and thick and downtuned and heavy as hell! He had just left VIO-LENCE and told me that they had been after that MTV 'Headbanger's Ball' sound and they thought his shit was too hard! Plus, they could not get the hang of the beats and riffs.

"So [Robb] got two fans of the band ([bassist] Adam Duce & [guitarist] Logan Mader) and started to jam at Robb's room. Now at some point Robb had a chance to be in MINISTRY and had to send in some of his stuff on tape, He did not want to send VIO-LENCE to them, so he asked me to jam out on the new songs he had. I was on my way to New York to the New Music Seminar to shop GRINCH and VERBAL ABUSE's new shit in two weeks (Jun. 22nd 1992). So we rocked out a fast demo and I was off. In the meantime, they got this lame ass to play drums and they got 3 or 4 more songs and did a gig that got a review in BAM (Jan 23rd 1993).

"I got home 7 months later... New York has a way of sucking you in! I saw this guy drumming in the band, and set out to take his job. And he made it easy, this guy didn't know how to act. So after I had some talks with Robb... 'I' was in, and 'he' was on a bus back to Las Vegas!

"Now at first it was cool, we got all the songs ready for the demo, and did some really cool shows and the buzz was out on the band.

"Once the demo was out, it hit us that we could make a run at some big labels and might get a deal! And right off we got a great deal on Roadrunner! We did one of the best metal records out the Bay [Area] in years! the world!!!!! (Aug. 9th 1994) Right in the face off all the nay-sayers. Thanx to the hard work of our manager!!!. Then we jumped on a tour bus together with NAPALM DEATH FOR 3 MONTHS and did not ever really get to know who the fuck we were.

"I had been all over the world 3 times and small van tours in the U.S. and this was the first time out for the guys in the band. They did not act so nice on the road and got all rock-star on all the help! Every man for himself was the call of the day. 22 months later I was so over the small-man complex and the drug fights and spending all the $$$$ on bull shit and the backstabbing in the band, I was just over it.

"The last 5 months I was sick with some hardcore viral infection and had to come home for surgery from Japan. I got the operation and went on the South American tour and got sick once again. and I had to miss the Donington Fest. No one was more bummed out about that than me, trust me. Not only did I get no love from my band, I got kicked out!

"Now, we had fights over lame shit all the time, and that's Robb's big head with all the plans for the band made with him and our manager. We got left out of the mix all the time. Adam would take orders all day from Robb — just not having to help kept him happy, and Logan was lost half the time, so it was no big deal to him, but some of the shit that Robb wanted to do was wrong, flat out. So if I had something to say about it, that was a big deal. I just don't puppy up to you if you come at me all one-sided and shit, you have to ask us as a band if we should or not, but they just got hella bossy and that ain't me homie!

"Now it's all good, and it was the best thing to get out of the band because it is a lame NU-METAL band now, all trendy and shit. Robb kicked all the best heads in the band out, got dropped off Roadrunner and just lost all respect of the metalheads in the world and that's just a shame.

"I get much love from all the fans of 'Burn My Eyes' and I love that C.D. too, and love the folks that I got to know in that time on my tours with MACHINE HEAD. But… the shit-talking still goes on in the press with Robb to this day. And the next band he has beef with is…

"He got on the bad side of SLAYER last year! That is so lame to go off on the one band to give MACHINE HEAD a real chance to make it the biz!!!! And because Robb fired his first manager, and got with SLAYER's management, then got dropped by that guy and had to go back to the first manager, Robb has to talk shit about Kerry King!! Now MH is back on Roadrunner, yet low sales of the records, and no love from MTV (or any of the video shows for that matter) keep MACHINE HEAD LOW ON THE TOTEM POLL OF NU-METAL TO THIS DAY!!!! Bands that opened for us (COAL CHAMBER, DEFTONES, KORN, MESHUGGAH, DISTURBED) are big-time now, and sell millions of records and play to huge crowds. Sharon Osbourne called MACHINE HEAD a twenty-minute opener at best, and a stiff. Most of the bands that get to know Adam or Robb find out that they can be cool, but they spend so much time trippin' out on shit, that it gets in the way of progress.

"Now, I know it's all about Robb proving something to someone. Who that is, we will never know. All I hear from fans, or just from the guys that played in MACHINE HEAD after me, or worked for them is that they fake like they are all cool and tuff and party hard and get laid and got it like that. I like to be in rock bands for all types of reasons, but none of them are about getting back at the world, or some need to rule some small metal band from the Bay Area. In the end I have gone on to play with some of the best folks in the world and made a ton of new friends. I know that would not have happened in MACHINE HEAD, and I'm proud of the time I had but... I'M HAPPY TO BE A DRUM SLUT!!!!!! ROCK ON!!!!!"

From BlabberMouth.Net
Well I can't fault him for slamming MH as trendy nu-metal.

EDIT: Oh, they have a new album out, I didn't know. I'll check it out now.

EDIT 2: Nope, he was right. It's fucking garbage. Every single nu-metal "trademark" was in there, every song I heard.
Stun said:
EDIT: Oh, they have a new album out, I didn't know. I'll check it out now.

EDIT 2: Nope, he was right. It's fucking garbage. Every single nu-metal "trademark" was in there, every song I heard.
EDIT 3:..........Its Stun.......disregard opinion..........:erk:

EDIT 4:....Oh, Stun has a music on his website, I did'nt know. I'll check it out now.

EDIT 5:..........Nope.......It's Fucking Garbage,...........every song I heard:D
Stun said:
Well I can't fault him for slamming MH as trendy nu-metal.
EDIT 2: Nope, he was right. It's fucking garbage. Every single nu-metal "trademark" was in there, every song I heard.

Well, I dont know what every nu-metal trademark is cause I dont really
pay much attention to nu-metal, in fact, I thought it died already.

BUT STUN KNOWS. Looks like Stun knows everything about nu-metal.

I've heard every Machine Head record ever put out, and I do know this,

there's tons of tr00 metal all over TTAOE. The MH'ers did a great job.

You're retarted. Maybe you could get some music lessons....
What I consider "nu-metal" is constantly evolving and insuating itself into bands. It's a mostly unconscious movement which results in, unfortunately, many shitty bands. But what doesn't? There are always lot of good bands. I think MH, nowadays, definitely isn't one of them. The first song off the cd sounded like a FF reject... the second one is unbelievably bad. One or two catchy or heavy riffs do not make a song good. Anyway, I didn't hear all the songs, not even close. But I don't want to. This is one case where I'm judging it without looking at all the evidence. I think it's trendy nu-metal too, and said so. Why do you have to turn the board into a battleground by flaming me for every opinion I give?
Stun said:
Why do you have to turn the board into a battleground by flaming me for every opinion I give?
You can flame Machine Head and call it opinion........I can flame Stun's music........and you say its a battlefield.......its my opinion, am I not entitled to one if you are entitled to yours?

Oh you don't like someone to come and review your music........but you can easily review someone that IS AN ARTIST(proven).........and say its Fucking Garbage, well Stun thats hypocritical..........not to mention that Machine Head has fans world wide, and buys their albums & see's them on tour.......can you say the same?

Get the point? don't like the shoe on the other foot........I think I proved my point..........very well this time!........and thats my opinion!
OfficerNice said:
That makes you biased.

No, it doesn't make me biased. It makes me INFORMED.

You said...
officernice said:
If you believe his crap, you should buy bridges in Nebraska. He's telling only 20 percent of the story.

Well, I'm still waiting to hear how he's only telling 20 percent of the story. Were you there or are you just guessing?

With Hannibal Lecter as your avatar you should
know better.
:lol: What? What does that have to do with anything? So, with a name like Officer Nice, are you implying you're a heavy metal cop? :lol:

Look at the content. Why is Chris talking about it now? 10
years later? What purpose is this serving Chris? How's Chris' career doing?
What is it in and of itself? What's Chris' agenda? What is he seeking?

For one thing this statement that Chris made is over a year old and it was lifted off a message board and reposted just recently. As you can see by reading what Chris wrote, he is answering frequently asked questions by his fans. Oh wait, I have to edit this because Blabbermouth left off the part where Chris stated that these were questions that he's been asked too many times by email and such. So he's responding to them. Doesn't he have a right to answer questions to his fans and tell his side? It isn't like Flynn ever holds back on the badmouthing. Look at the shit he says about Slayer. The band that gave them their break. You are the one who sounds biased. I can tell you and so can't Walter. What Chris is saying is pretty accurate. Who cares about all the other stuff you're trying to bring up such as his motivations or his career. He's chosen his own path and he's happy.

If Anything, that story makes Chris look worse than how he's trying to
talk smack about Machine Head and Robb Flynn. So_So_Sad.

Only if you're a Machine Head nutswinger who blindly follows bands around and puts fandom before logic. The truth is always painful to some and many try to make excuses.

I think it's great you've worked for MH before. That's pretty cool.

:lol: I'm glad you think so because I don't.

There's 3 sides to every story. MH's side. Chris' side and the truth.
Well, I'm pretty much telling you, Chris isn't telling lies. Walter even said he was pretty close to the truth.

I've heard this story before from people, even people who worked for MH.
So, whatever....Some of it is true, some of it was common knowledge
already...but the 'guilt' isn't being evenly distributed.

Look at what Chris says and how he says it- what he implies, what he
leaves open to suggestion so you can make common perceptions about
what really happened when it's all based on smoke and mirrors, sleight of
hand and absence of truth....and of course, as always, with any story,
what is he leaving out?

Whatever. Were YOU there? As a cop...look at your screen name :lol: if you didn't see it, then all you have to go on is WITNESSES. :lol: Your own assumptions don't cut it. I'm afraid you've been kicked off the force, Officer Nice. Maybe you can get a gig as a security guard on message boards? :lol:

But the TL board isn't a gossip rag IMO. I keep stuff like this offline.

Well, Walter posted it and you responded to the "gossip" with even more gossip so really bro, save the lecture. Have a nice day. :)
I know Chris.......if these are his words.......then I beleive him, he's not a liar, he's down to earth, a straight shooter, and he's not trying to make himself look better, or help his career by doing so...I have heard these same things before....Now I think that Robb did kick out everyone(Chris & Logan), that did not do what Robb wants to do.....He calls the shots, even if they are wrong.......Adam & Dave go along, but do not make the big decsions....thats just fact......kinda like Iced Earth....thats Schaffers band, & everyone knows it.....well Machine Head is Robb's band .......I think I know a little about inner band politics, & Robb's the Machine Head Dictator.......I respect Robb......I respect Machine Head as a band.....And it's always been his band.......In fact thats the very reason he left Vio-Lence, was to start a new band, that he could direct in the direction, he wanted to.....Period........And what Ahrue says about his Machine Head days, are some of the same kinda things that Chris says......
Lets not forget......that Robb founded MH......they were & are very sucessful, bigger than Vio-Lence ever was.......!
Deadly Embrace said:
[Machine Head] were & are very sucessful, bigger than Vio-Lence ever was.......!

Unfortunately so...blegh, I really don't like MH. I wouldn't go so far as to call them straight-up nu-metal, but the simplistic hardcore elements are there. They certainly aren't anything close to thrash, that's for damn certain, and they're really boring, plodding heavy metal.

"Davidian" is a kickass song, though.
Deadly Embrace said:
I know Chris.......if these are his words.......then I beleive him, he's not a liar, he's down to earth, a straight shooter, and he's not trying to make himself look better, or help his career by doing so...I have heard these same things before....Now I think that Robb did kick out everyone(Chris & Logan), that did not do what Robb wants to do.....He calls the shots, even if they are wrong.......Adam & Dave go along, but do not make the big decsions....thats just fact......kinda like Iced Earth....thats Schaffers band, & everyone knows it.....well Machine Head is Robb's band .......I think I know a little about inner band politics, & Robb's the Machine Head Dictator.......I respect Robb......I respect Machine Head as a band.....And it's always been his band.......In fact thats the very reason he left Vio-Lence, was to start a new band, that he could direct in the direction, he wanted to.....Period........And what Ahrue says about his Machine Head days, are some of the same kinda things that Chris says......
Lets not forget......that Robb founded MH......they were & are very sucessful, bigger than Vio-Lence ever was.......!
Yeah I agree. Robb's said a lot of this in his Metal Hammer interviews.
Yeah, MH is bigger than Vio ever was. Back when it was released,
Oppressing the Masses didn't sell more than 20,000 copies. They had
those 20,000 shirts. Robb said BME sold over 400,000.
To Walter: no you actually shot yourself in the foot. You want to play the "who started what" game? Well if you call agreeing with a thread that -you- created, then I'm sorry. You posted this thread, you knew it would make waves, and you did it. You're the preacher. It's what you do. But please don't start preaching on me about starting shit because I agreed with an opinion already stated. And I'm not the only one.

You didn't actually listen to my music, I doubt. If you have a decent midi card, check out Dispiritus, for example. If I ever meet someone who doesn't like that song I'm going to have to end their life for the good of humanity.
Pyrus said:
Unfortunately so...blegh, I really don't like MH. I wouldn't go so far as to call them straight-up nu-metal, but the simplistic hardcore elements are there. They certainly aren't anything close to thrash, that's for damn certain, and they're really boring, plodding heavy metal.

"Davidian" is a kickass song, though.
Robb's a metal fan who likes punk music. On CD,he's covered
Cro-Mags (Hard Times)
Nirvana (Negative Creep)
Ice-T (Colors)
Discharge (The Possibility of Life's Destruction)
Poison Idea (Alan's on Fire)
Bad Brains (House of Suffering)
Police (Message in a Bottle)
Slayer (Raining Blood and South of Heaven)

Burn My Eyes and The More Things Change are br00tal thrash.
Stun said:
To Walter: no you actually shot yourself in the foot. You want to play the "who started what" game? Well if you call agreeing with a thread that -you- created, then I'm sorry. You posted this thread, you knew it would make waves, and you did it. You're the preacher. It's what you do. But please don't start preaching on me about starting shit because I agreed with an opinion already stated. And I'm not the only one.

You didn't actually listen to my music, I doubt. If you have a decent midi card, check out Dispiritus, for example. If I ever meet someone who doesn't like that song I'm going to have to end their life for the good of humanity.
1. I never created this........wrong.......I copied it, and posted it.......thats way different.......

2. I posted it to open it up for discussion..........And I can & did give my take on it........I feel I have a good point of view, cause I know Chris, & I know Robb & the band & MH politics.......that makes me knowledeable.....on the subject, and I posted how I feel.........and what I think.

3. I did'nt know it would make waves, if you got hit by the wave & took in water.........go back the shore & re-group(next time bring your life vest).......if you don't like what the preacher is Preaching, leave the church(or the thread)........simple Stun.

4. Yes I have listened to some of your keyboards & I have witnesses.....(so thats a lie).....and the person I was with laughed at it.......and so did I......
We both thought it was shit!.........I call it like it is.........Its my opinion, of what I heard!

5. If I shot myself in the foot.........then you shot your self in the head.....:Spin:

6. Your right on one thing.........I'll admit I have not heard your song......Dispiritus.........So I can't comment on that......but thats the only thing you got right!
So basically, it seems I'm getting slammed for my opinion like always.

About my music, I mean you didn't really -listen- to it. You probably heard whatever horrible noises your sound card produces for distortion and overdriven guitars and laughed at the "keyboards". You've said as much.

I'm pretty sick of arguing over every little thing and I'm sure all the other members not directly involved are too.
Phone Rings...."Hello?" ..."Hello, Oprah? This is Officer Nice." "Officer,What up
Dawg?" "Oprah, Stun's a wacky little cannuck who's in denial that his
music really sucks donkey balls and he needs a 1 hour sit down on your show"

Stun said:
So basically, it seems I'm getting slammed for my opinion like always.

About my music, I mean you didn't really -listen- to it. You probably heard whatever horrible noises your sound card produces for distortion and overdriven guitars and laughed at the "keyboards". You've said as much.

I'm pretty sick of arguing over every little thing and I'm sure all the other members not directly involved are too.
1. I can't help it if I disagree with SOME of your opinions.......

2. Wrong again, my Computer has top of the line THX sound system

3. How do you know what I do?.........wrong again!

4. The only horrible noises I've heard.........Is your music........

5. Then quit arguing........Your losing every one!
Hello little kid, sorry it took me so long to reply but it seems that this thread was unavailable for days while the other threads were okay. Weird and interesting. No matter, I'm here now to set you straight. I can see that you have done nothing to back up your claims of Chris being a liar or telling only 20 percent of the truth and have replied with huge boring pissing contest type retorts, filled with insults because you know you have been cornered and put on the spot and the frustration you are going through is giving you a slight sting to the ego. It's understandable. I've dealt with many wannabe internet bigshots before so I am familiar with the behavior patterns that assclowns such as yourself, exhibit. I can also name call. When dealing with 15 year old snotty nosed punks, you must talk at their level so they can relate to what you're saying. I wasn't going to reply to much of what you wrote because you are really a nobody, your opinion has no value and your insults are quite impotent, juvenille and sterile. But Im sure you've been told that before by females other than your mother. Maybe you won't be so uptight and angry at Chris Kontos if your dad threw around a baseball with you, once in a while? Ya think? Anyway, I am replying to this because I feel you need schooling even though it's really your parents job. Obviously they dropped the ball. Do they know how much time you spend on the internet?

Let me just start off with this...

deadly embrace said:
I know Chris.......if these are his words.......then I beleive him, he's not a liar, he's down to earth, a straight shooter, and he's not trying to make himself look better, or help his career by doing so.

Here you have it from Walter Morgan. Repeatedly Walter has set you straight as well as myself. Both of us have light years more credibility in the scene than 100 wannabe internet board freaks like yourself. Are you saying Walter is a liar or doesn't know what he's talking about? How about I try to get Chris on here and you can tell him yourself, how you have such insider knowledge and he's a liar? Or better yet, you can tell him to his face. I'd love to see that.

So, where do we begin here?...there's so many hilarious statements to reply to. we go.

Officer Nice said:
Burn My Eyes and The More Things Change are br00tal thrash.

First off...Br00tal? :lol: You sound like a wigger. Don't lecture me about calling you "Bro", little kid. :lol: Burn My Eyes is a brilliant album but it is not a THRASH album nor is TMTC. They are just metal albums. Are you going to lecture me now on categories of music? Lets see you try.

OfficerNice said:
Oh I was right there "bro" .
You were right there? What do you mean you were right there? You were giving BJs to the band backstage because you sound like a groupie?

I heard around from people.

Wow! You "heard things"!? :lol: Well that settles it then. Walter and myself tell you and have had first hand experience with both parties but "you heard things". Hilarious. Hey Laurie, can you archive this thread? :lol: Unbelievable.

And these are
the same kind of people who said the things about Robb Flynn that
we already knew were true. So on the surface, there's decent credibility.

Well Officer Nice, ...Do you like to be called Officer or can I just call you dumbass for short? I'm afraid your forensic studies in credibility and spreading gossipy rumor just won't hold up on the witness stand. I'm afraid you've been thrown out of court and assigned to crossing guard for retarded kids.

I was being facetious.

Wow, such a big word for someone so hilariously stupid. Did you have your mom come in and help you write this?
You're unfunny.
Oh, I find myself hilarious. I imagine being on your end of things, you wouldn't see much humor in anything. :lol:

And my avatar has nothing to do with cops. or heavy

Isn't Officer Nice a Vio-lence song? About a cop? Isn't Vio a metal band? :lol: I never mentioned your avatar. I mentioned your screen name which is a fair comparison to what you were facetiously implying about my avatar. :lol: How many fingers am I holding up? :lol: I'll tell you...just one.

I'm the one that sounds biased? towards who? Machine Head?

I've raised red flags on Machine Head in the forum before. Nice Try.
Red Flags? All I see are rainbow flags coming from you, little kid. :lol:

I've drank and smoked with many of them,
they don't mystify me.

Wow. I'm very proud of you. That's very sweet. MH will drink and smoke weed with all their fans. So, basically, you are telling me that you are a groupie fanboy. Excellent. Now that we've established that, there's nothing more to say. :lol:

Do you know what gossip is?

Yeah, you calling Chris a liar on message boards. Do you know what gossip is?

In case you havent heard, or lest you forget, I'm OFFICER NICE
and the whole world is swinging from my nuts.

I believe this statement alone proves my point. Have a good one little kid. Stay in school and eat your veggies. :lol:

Later fuckstick.

I call bullshit on everyone all the time,
even when I call the White House to leave voicemail for President Bush.
I asked several questions.
P.S. :lol: Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

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