Chris's RG1527


New Metal Member
Jul 8, 2007
Hey Chris, I have recently started to use 7's, and since I was a big Nevermore fan, I got a C-7 Hellraiser. My hellraiser isn't playing like I want it to, the action is high and the strings buzz (before anyone says anything, I have had it set up.) I own an Ibanez RG 6 string, and I love the way it plays. (I payed 300$ for it) The action must be 2x as low as my HR, and little to no noticeable buzzing. I'm having trouble deciding on whether to kick back, and go back to 6 string, or to trade my HR in for an ibby 7. Can you tell me, from your experience, have you ever played Jeff's hellraiser? What did you think of his setup?

Another thing that kinda bugged me about 7's was the fact the strings felt "looser", it wasn't as tight of a profile as my RG had. I don't know if it was just the difference in brands, or just it being a 7 string itself. I am starting to think if I give another 7 a try, with ibanez, I will be pleased, but I don't want to do the wrong thing :Smug:

Well Chris, if you can help me out I'd appreciate it man! You're a phenomenal guitarist. :kickass:
I'm not Chris, but.....I play a whole bunch of 7 strings - Universes, RG 7's and a Hellraiser. I have them all set up by a local luthier who really knows how to set up a guitar properly and my Hellraiser feels just as good to play as any of the Ibanez 7's. I prefer quite a low action, and when you're dealing with those kind of miniscule tolerances you need someone with the right tools, skill and experience to set it up correctly. My advice is: decide what guage strings you're going to go with (don't have too light a guage or they will feel too loose...I think Chris/Jeff use 10-70's), decide how you want it tuned (standard or down half step etc) then get it set up again by a pro with a good reputation. It'll cost you but it's money well spent in the long run. I haven't played a 6 string in years....7 strings are just so much more versatile. Stick with the Hellraiser, they're great guitars. :headbang:

Anyway, hopefully Chris will be able to offer you some better advice as he is THE man :worship:
Yeah try 10-56 strings (standard 6 strings) and add a 70 for the b string. I totally beleive in being able to set your own gear up. It is something that i had to learn as I dont like the way most "pros" set them up.
Both Rich and carvedones,

are on the money. Go with the sting guage you like and then have them set up the way you like while whatching so you can learn to do it yourself, because eventually you will have preference that no luthier could know exaclty.

Take care,
Yeah...just get a proper set up with the gauge of strings that you intend to use. Any good tech should be able to get you close to where you want to be and just tweak your action from there. The string gauge is particularly important, especially when using higher gauge strings that may cause more neck tension. If you're getting buzz it may need a truss rod adjustment and many players aren't comfortable doing that themselves. Good communication with the tech is key. I always need to tweak something, but with good communication it's generally 90% there.