"Christian Metal"hahaha

I recall reading somewhere that the whole "Mary was a virgin" thing was merely a mistranslation. That it should've been "maiden" as in "young woman", not virgin.
The concept of good and evil is old, decrepit and medieval, for the cross has infected yours and my land like ''democracy'' for the fucking fools live to pursue their hypocrisy let us hear them say soon ''Save us, Oh Lord from the Wrath of the Norsemen''
''Save us, Oh Lord from the Wrath of the Norsemen''
''Save us, Oh Lord from the Wrath of the Norsemen''
''Save us, Oh Lord from the Wrath of the Norsemen''
I was kind of feeling inspired, so I wrote this Christian song:

Oh Christ! Like your enemies sodomized thee
In that manner I shall smite mine!!
Revenge! Revenge! For Jesus' DEATH, TORTURE! HOLY BLOOD SPILLED!
His insides torn and his flesh devoured
Punctured gangrenous suppurating intestines of GOD! MADE MAN! TO DIE!
His followers prosecuted, maimed, their GUTS devoured by BEASTS!
His hands and feet thrashed, TORN by GRINDING NAILS!
And as Jesus was SLAIN by his foes
In that manner I shall smite mine!!
And after my legacy REIGNS, GREED shall be my guide!
While I pile gold over the ROTTING CORPSES of the infidelssshfffgrrrrr!
I just found this one: :D
i didn't even know a christian band requested me on myspace, then i saw their pics and they're all kneeling and raising their arms into the air and all sorts of stuff:OMG: just no...just no....