"Christian Metal"hahaha

all though Ride the Lightning and Kill em All albums were nice too.... too bad they couldnt keep the original name for Kill em All.... ( Metal Up Your Ass )
:lol: that would have been kickass
" excludes your christian gf " i already put in my pro that i am with her because she doesnt force it down others throats and i guess i figured that people would have taken the hint.... but oh well

Interesting, my gf is also christian. I guess there are two kinds of "christians": the ones who really believe in god and jesus, like we believe in Odin and Thor (or whatever your religion is). It's a true believe ... you just feel it's right and still will have a hard time to explain it to a "non-believer".
And then there are those "christians" who go to church every sunday, but still don't get the actual idea of what it's all about. THEY are however the ones who will not accept anything that is different. But they are no real christians. They think they are, but they didn't understand a thing.
(Sadly there seem to be a lot of these people in "official" positions as well.)

I'm not saying that this doesn't happen in paganism or buddhism or whatever religion as well, but you wouldn't notice, since there aren't enough of them around ;)
good music > band's religion

Well, if the lyrics are about loving something I don't agree with (or against something I love) then I usually have a problem listening to that song.
Apart from that I absolutely agree: I don't care who or what they worship, if the music is good.
Interesting, my gf is also christian. I guess there are two kinds of "christians": the ones who really believe in god and jesus, like we believe in Odin and Thor (or whatever your religion is). It's a true believe ... you just feel it's right and still will have a hard time to explain it to a "non-believer".
And then there are those "christians" who go to church every sunday, but still don't get the actual idea of what it's all about. THEY are however the ones who will not accept anything that is different. But they are no real christians. They think they are, but they didn't understand a thing.
(Sadly there seem to be a lot of these people in "official" positions as well.)

I'm not saying that this doesn't happen in paganism or buddhism or whatever religion as well, but you wouldn't notice, since there aren't enough of them around ;)

Agreed... she is only christian because that is what she was raised to be ( naturally you'll think it is right when you are raised on that religion ) i was also raised on christianity... but later on when i was about 11 i started researching the occult and whatnot and well not only did i find that i come from a long line of Norsemen but i also found that Norse Paganism to make more sense than anything else.... plus i have never had a negative thought about the Aesir.. the same cannot be said for the Christian's so-called god
Depends on if they base their music/lyrics on it or not, to me. I don't give a fuck about what they might personally believe, but if you're going to be singing about something I could care less about, I'm not likely gonna be interested. (Yeah, I'm a lyrics person.)

same here

This is all i have left to say