"Christian Metal"hahaha

Wodka_Axu said:
The Old Testament would have so many parts of bloodshed and stuff like that.. and imagine how grindcore bands could create stuff out of pealing skin on those sick people in the bible (can't remember the name of that sickness)

Fuck that. It's all about when David wanted to mary the king's daughter or whatever and had to present to the king proof of his victory by giving him the foreskins of 100 slain enemies.
Demonoid - Rider Of The Apocalypse has some pretty deep biblical references I think. I have not personnaly read them all...but I guess that's the only band/album I can think of at this time.
i can recommend Orphaned Land's 'Mabool'. it has references to the flood-mythos and is a damn masterpiece besides that...
lol christian metal... fucking retarded shit.... and whats even worse " christian black metal " completely retarded but what would be even worse would be if someone tried to do " christian viking metal " lmfao good thing i havent seen anything like that yet.... but i wouldnt put it pass the christians to try something so retarded
Well ... I wouldn't listen to stuff like that (since the whole "Jesus died so god can forgive our sins"-idea is way beyond my comprehension), but I wouldn't call it retarted either. I think a Metal-song doesn't have to be about ripping a body apart, drinking the blood, eating the eyes and throw the guts around for fun, to be a good Metal-song ...
(... and actually beeing a heathen is more about "charity" and respecting live and each other, then what most so called christians do and preach ...)
Ok ok.. i'll tell you all something funny: I'm Christian... but i just don't like christian music. I've heard all kinds of Metal Bands (including Dimmu Borgir <- that's an ass kicking band).

I second F Slim on what he says: there's no need for a metal song to speak about ripping bodies or about satan dancing naked.

I don't know if this band i'm about to mention is metal (at least sounds like metal) it's Called: "Killswitch Engage" ... I even made a Prince of Persia video with one of their songs. But i'm not posting it here. (Except if you want me to do so)

To all those who feel in some way or another insulted or something like that, because of what i have just said, it wasn't my intention.
With all the shit people are playing these days ...I don't know who to take seriously ... the few who play what they really believe in or a bunch of highschool wannabe vikings who are here to save the world with another band of anti-christian propaganda? or "we are grimmer, more evil and cheesier than Dani Filth and King Diamond combined, but still live with our parents" metal kids ... seriously, i loathe all the fakeness that pollutes the scene.
lol no Killswitch isnt metal man.... and hey i dont have a problem with you being Christian as long as you dont try to force the so-called religion upon others.... i mean i am in a great relationship with a christian girl and i love being around her all the time.... but she doesnt try to force it upon anyone... and she very highly respects Norse Paganism ( which works out quite nicely for me heh ) and yes i know that a metal song doesnt have to be about ripping someone to shreds.... or about satan.. actually i prefer that the metal i listen to have nothing to do with satan at all... considering he is just another part of christianity.... i mean listen to Borknagar or Vintersorg... they are kickass... and i dont think i have heard a song from them yet that involves ripping someone to shreds or pounding them into dust
i dont have a problem with you being Christian as long as you dont try to force the so-called religion upon others.... i mean i am in a great relationship with a christian girl and i love being around her all the time....

May I suggest that you revise your Vampirefreak profile ... because right here, you have just contradicted yourself!
I might just blame that on your young age!
Hehe, I think I'll pass on the whole "metalcore isn't metal" thing. But generally speaking, I have a hard time staying interested in stuff with lyrical content that I don't agree with, and while I'm not terribly against Christians, their themes don't hold much of any interest to me.
well most people dont consider metalcore to be actual metal.. i guess i should have added that in my other post ah oh well... thats what i meant to say
The beliefs of most people isn't my concern. ;) The original idea was good, fusing death metal with hardcore. The direction most of the bands took later, and a lot of the other bands that go by the metalcore label, I'm not particularly fond of. But shit happens.
lol yah... well i figured he was wanting to know what most people thought of it.... this is why i said no it isnt metal.... and i dont really consider it metal either.. ( killswitch .. that is ) more of like a hard rock kind of sound but hey everyone has their own opinions
I'll be honest, and say I haven't a clue what they sound like now. They started getting preachy, I lost interest. But I more or less came from the same general scene as they originally did, so I dig the early stuff. And in my world, I am the ultimate authority on metal. ;)