"Christian Metal"hahaha

I second F Slim on what he says: there's no need for a metal song to speak about ripping bodies or about satan dancing naked.

I'm not sure about that, sometimes I need my nudity fix, and by golly gore & porno grind just up the anty!
lol and that is the way it should be... dont let anyone else tell you what you should listen to.. and i have no idea what they sound like now either
kiss my ass... i am talking about the idiots who try to force it upon others you idiot.... ( IGNORE )

Chill out kiddo ... your profile says : dislikes ... and I quote; "CHRISTIANS!!!" ... if by putting that, you insinuate that it excludes your christian gf and others who don't try to shove it down your throat, then I need to take more English. Maybe I am an idiot, but I am just pointing out the obvious ... next please!
lol ok then maybe i should make myself clearer in my profile then,, my mistake.. well thank you for pointing it out.. i thought i had already put it there lol
" excludes your christian gf " i already put in my pro that i am with her because she doesnt force it down others throats and i guess i figured that people would have taken the hint.... but oh well
I don't force it on others. Mankind has free will, and everybody has the right to choose what they want. I don't force things on others because i wouldn't like someone forcing things on me, that shit sucks.

I didn't know Killswitch isn't metal, so i'll keep it in mind. So is it what you call metalcore? or NeoMetal (Nu-metal)? (or whatever it is called).

Anyway Aman Amarth continues to be one of my favorites. The other is Children of Bodom (although i didn't like their last album).

Btw, here's the video i was talking about:

wait which album was their last one Danozuke???? havent been keeping up to date on COB although i do love their music

Their last album is "Are You Dead Yet?" released in 2005. I dunno i just like "Hate crew Deathroll" (2003) and "Follow the Reaper" (2000) more. I believe they changed the second guitar player, so now they have different sound. The music is still good, but there's something missing.

dont they call that shit white metal?

There's no such thing as White metal... no matter what they call it. The original name for Christian music is "Gospel" <- Which in this forum is a Blasphemy hahahaha!!!!!
" There's no such thing as White metal... no matter what they call it. The original name for Christian music is "Gospel" <- Which in this forum is a Blasphemy hahahaha!!!!! "
lmao Danozuke .... and yeah i love HC deathroll as well... but i think Are You Dead Yet is a decent album although not as good
Metallica for one... with their " Creeping Death " song... kickass by the way
although i think that may be in this thread already.. oh well