Chuck Billy Sings Michael Jackson's "Thriller"!

I've got to admit that's hella intriguing to say the least (if it is true, of course)! I've always wanted to hear Chuck doing something like that, although the risk of failure is significant (especially now that his voice has matured and deepened, and is not as high and dynamic as it used to be which would certainly fit more with a song of this kind).

Hopefully, it will not be just a fully growled parody of a song, and that a good arrangement of that tune into metal will be prepared (Alex would be helpful here).

Michael Jackson definitely had a huge talent and his songs, irrepspective of whether you tolerate pop music or not, always stood out from the rest of the mainstream and carried a lot of potential to them...and a hard rock vibe that could be now enhanced.
Sense of humor? How about doing something extremely cheesy after 30 years of being a straight up metal god.That fucking child molester deserves no tribute.Especially from metal!Whoever came up with this should be punched in the face.Of all the great things Billy could cover.This is what we get?!
I think chuck already shocked us a little bit,once with the holiday x-mas track silent night holy night.Although in the spirit of the season,so it was pretty cool.Hey redfly,what do you think the surprise is coming on monday from flot's?I gonna guess a return of simpson even though ed is tracking for the rerecording of no place:grin:
I think chuck already shocked us a little bit,once with the holiday x-mas track silent night holy night.Although in the spirit of the season,so it was pretty cool.Hey redfly,what do you think the surprise is coming on monday from flot's?I gonna guess a return of simpson even though ed is tracking for the rerecording of no place:grin:

Yeah the xmas thing was a cool surprise,but this?

No,unfortunately I don't think Mark want anything to do with it.But that would be great.Honestly I don't really enjoy going to the site that much anymore.It's really turned into a place where you can't give an honest opinion.
Yeah, it's a sad thing these days when you can't seem to have an honest opinion about a certain subjects without malice:loco:
Hey One man did I chase you away? Sorry bro!

:D No way, I'm not that timid! Always good talking to you, especially when our opinions differ. I've been away and will continue to be for a while hence the lack of posts.

As for MJ - I never really followed that thing, but ultimately the accusations were not confirmed, were they? Some of his music is good, and to hear Chuck cover some good music is something I can really appreciate. The fact that the music is also pretty far from what Chuck's doing on a daily basis makes it even more interesting for me.

I admit I never expected my favourite musicians to be "true", "evil" or as stiff as a ramrod. If they go out and do other stuff for fun or to challenge themselves, I'm down for it. Especially if their metal continues to be as great as e.g. DROE.

Chuck has a wonderful voice, let's see what new he can do with it to surprise us. I'm pretty sure neither him nor anyone on the album supports something as heinous and abominable as child molesting. Had MJ been convicted therefor or at lest confirmed to have committed it, no such tribute album would be in the works. At least so I believe, but - let me repeat - I'm not familiar with this case's details whatsoever.
Wait aren't you one who complains about subject matter in metal? What is pop but a bunch of vapid shit that's basically about the same thing over and over?
I don't find MJ any better than any other pop star.He just came out at the right time.

And if I do take these metal guys seriously then it's there own damn fault! lol all I hear my whole life is "we're so metal "you gotta be evil "metal is special and separate from everything else it's a life style"" I mean these guys are merciless on the LA scene,but they can do shit like this?! What's next B Spears? Achy breaky heart? lol

Maybe our points of view are simply the difference between the states and Europe.Over here it's fuckin war.screw pop lol

As far as MJ goes,you couldn't escape it here,every night in the news was a story about him and his weird shit.I'm not sure if he was acquitted,but I do know he payed a bunch of families off with an undisclosed amount.And is a fact that he had private sleep overs with little boys.So I'm not one to burn witches.But something sure wasn't right!
I was looking at MJ's songs just from the musical perspective, not the lyrics of course. In my opinion in the bunch of shit that is pop certain artists do stand out a little bit and he's one of them. And that whole "we're so metal" pose from various bands is horribly infantile. It's very pop, just in a different way. A lot of hypocrisy in that for sure. I just try to avoid all the "surrounding layout" and take the music as it is, but it's not always that easy.

I know most bands take care of their image, in metal too, but it's great when some of them have the balls to take their heads out of their asses from time to time and just have fun playing whatever music. I never looked at it as a war, but I admit I've never been a 100% metal dude probably. Plus, you may be right - the metal scene here is probably a bit healthier and more deeply rooted than in the States, but a lot of it is bad quality power and black metal stuff.