Chuck Billy to sing Thriller?

Yeah I'm a little nervous and curious about this. I hope CB does a good job with it, I'm not doubting his abilities. But I've listened to some metal covers of Thriller on youtube, and I just don't think it translates well into the metal world.

However I'd pay money to watch CB breakdance and moonwalk like MJ.
This is a disgrace. Chuck Billy singing a pedophile tribute song? I just lost some respect for Chuck. The whole project is a bad idea.
I like MJ too. I think his was the first cassette I ever owned as a kid, then beach boys, then Aerosmith, then guns n roses, and then I was introduced to metal. The rest is history.
I like MJ too. I think his was the first cassette I ever owned as a kid, then beach boys, then Aerosmith, then guns n roses, and then I was introduced to metal. The rest is history.

Yeah, Thriller was my first cassette too. Went to Kiss and Queen from there. Later I bought State of Euphoria and Persistance of time (also on cassette). Then I used a Maxwell chrome to record Among the Living (I was one of them pirates who destroyed music through illegal tape recording) and bought Fistful of Metal on vinyl. I loathed Fistful of Metal, though. Still do. Attack of the Killer B's was the last cassette I bought, I think. Bought them all on cd after that, apart from FFOM.
Yep - it's bloody awful. Chuck should've left this well alone.

A couple of the covers released with the Dark Roots of Earth were unexpectedly great (the Queen and Scorpions ones in particular), but this is just plain craphouse.