Chupe's Friday Predictions:


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Oct 7, 2003
Where you live
- the recent removal of the ALL CAPS POST buster will result in an exponential rise in the number of HAUNTINGS

- by the end of today, i will have been fired for having Googled "musical condom" and found no less than 27 thoroughly unrelated (and inappropriate) sites

- for being bored at work, i will pay a price not altogether intangible (with $2.49 shipping) on

- there are a lot more beers out there than the 365 my daily calendar portrays, and never being able to taste them all will result in my loss of sanity by age 42
That is really cool. I never considered the beer/cheese connection, but I've always enjoyed an extra hoppy IPA with pizza.
I have done the beer/cheese tasting last year, it was pretty nice. Nice change of pace. Been doing a lot of beer tastings these past few months actually, preparation for a doing a beer/pub review site. You know how to reach me if you want to participate...
Me and a few friends are planning to launch a beer and pub review web site. I am working on the backend of things. Concurrently, we are doing beer tasting so that refine our palets so that we have both the vocabulary and the tastebuds to review beers properly.

If you want to write for the site, you know how to reach me. Note that we won't launch until at least six months from now.
Hopefully this thing will work, and we will get free beer. Unfortunatly can't really vouch for the fact that we will. But it could happen.

The day I am receiving a case of beer from Belgium is the day I call it a success :)
Self-financed at first, we'll see afterwards. If we can lauch with a fair amount of content it would be a better calling card to ask for vouchers/free beers in pubs etc...

We'll see how it goes.
I once worked with a guy, and his night crew in a pre-press department created a website where they would review the best pizzas in the city, and they would get free pizza almost daily, because they would actually give out a cheap ass trophy to the winners every so often. The more professional you make it look, the more people will be eager to be a part of it. Free beer will be much more difficult, but this is a great idea. It has "Drunkin Eric" all over it!