Cinematic style intro piece


Mar 16, 2006
Houston, TX
I'm open to suggestions on this. It's just a mood setting intro. piece of a project I've been wanting to do for a long time: putting Edgar Allen Poe's "The Tell-tale Heart" to music. I just threw an L2 across the mix last night just to pump it up. After listening with fresh ears today, I think I need to roll off more of the extreme low end, thin out the mid bass area just a little, and brighten up the orchestral parts just a bit. Any thoughts, ideas, criticisms? I really respect everyone's opinion around here! - Brighter.mp3

Thanks guys!


edit: I made some changes to the EQ and took that L2 crap off. Please someone tell me what they think. Thanks!
Orchestral instruments: Edirol Orchestral HQ - amazing quality instruments.

Voice/choir sounds: Syntheway Magnus Choir. Just can't beat this for the price!

guitars: quad tracked with RevalverII and Wagner Sharp (love this thing!)

bass: I tried so many different ways including Cubase's Quadra fuzz and Helian Bass 2, I don't even remember what I ended up using right now. :)

As for EQ, there's only some slight cuts in mid bass areas and slight boosts in the highs in the orchestral instruments. After listening to some other similar music, I'm thinking I need to brighten up the orchestra stuff (and turn down that bass after further listening).
instead of buying magnus choir u should really have went for this
or even get this and replace the choir !

I have a copy of this ofcourse the title says it all 5.2 of real sampled choirs!

these are real huge sounding all you need is a sampler. I run logic 5.5 and use the exs-24 for this, Im pritty sure its the same samples as used in
i have both wooooo and most of the samples r very similar.

Ive burned this dvd and will be putting it back on ebay to anyone interested.
Sounds great! I have kinda crappy speakers but it sounds great on these. I have edirol orchestra too, but usually just use only the full strings and piano. I don't have any suggestions how to make it better though sorry:erk:.. Except use gigastudio samples :)
Thanks guys! I haven't ventured much into samplers yet, except a little experimenting with SampleTank since it came PT LE (I know its only the free/lite version). For years the only keyboards/sounds I've had access to are my OLLLD Ensoniq SQ, an Alesis module, and whatever advice I could get from my keyboardist friend from the Prog/Groove metal band Outworld. I was happy and blown away to hear the voice sounds on Magnus Choir. A HUGE step up for me. But damn, after checking the samples on Spectrasonics (thanks reneisgod!!) the bar has been raised! I may have to start down the sampler route and make a purchase on Ebay this weekend. :) That collection you have sounds just as good as Symphony of Voices?

By the way, this is just the intro to the whole'll get much heavier. It's a Poe begs for really twisted, dark metal. :headbang:

Thanks for the comments and suggestions!!
Lol i really like this, bring the rhythm guitars up, and put some timpani and orchestral bass drums in, like some nice timp rolls around where you are doing the guitar stops and stuff. Can't wait to hear some more!
Hey, thanks for the suggestion. A great idea! Yeah, I can't wait to hear more also! LOL Now its time to start programming drums for the next section (uggg...I dread and completely SUCK at this) and maybe tap somebody to lay down a short, insane shred solo at the fade out. I'm still kind of new to this whole DAW based midi sequencing/drum programming stuff, so this whole project is a learning experience.
Thanks again RENEISGOD for the links to those choir sample libraries. I've got that Choir Real Samples set ordered and waiting impatiently for it! Damn postal system is sooo slowwwww!!! Haha :)