Circle II Circle - Feb 2nd - Exclusive Atlanta Show!

so... me and Zak were driving back from the airport earlier and he let me preview the new cd 'Delusions of Grandeur'... and let me tell you that it absolutely blew me away! Do not expect the same old CIIC on this cd. No ma'am! Nothing against their previous material, but this stuff has a whole new energy that I have personally not heard from CIIC before!

And it does not matter which two songs they decide to play from 'Delusions of Grandeur' tomorrow night - you do not want to miss it. :heh:

oh, and he also let me in on a special surprise they have in store toward the end of the night. This should be classic. :cool:
Right on, Rider!:rock:
Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight. Unfortunately one of our guitarists can't be performing with us due to some health issues, but we have a fill in musician for three of the songs in our set. Be sure to get in there when the show starts, no sense in milling about outside when there is metal to be heard.
::does a happy dance::
do you have ANY idea how difficult it is to get cigarette smoke out of some of the outfits i own? happy day
**ok, only marginally kidding about WHY this makes me happy, but it does make me happy nonetheless. i mean, it's not like my clothing contains THAT much material ;) **

Well, I wasn't gonna say anything!!!!! hahahahahahah
SWEET! Put me down for a DVD and a t-shirt, because tomorrow is PAYDAY :lol:

That's okay...Halcyon Way never has CDs for sale, either :lol:

We're very excited, as well! :rock: We're also disappointed that the Mr. can't be there :mad:

AWESOME! This show just keeps getting better :lol:

AHEM. James, just for that you gotta buy ***2, wait no, 5***** shirts. We will have some new ones.....complete the HW winter collection and all!
Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight. Unfortunately one of our guitarists can't be performing with us due to some health issues, but we have a fill in musician for three of the songs in our set. Be sure to get in there when the show starts, no sense in milling about outside when there is metal to be heard.

bum deal but you guys will be fine.
Well, I bought my tickets last week, but now I have had the flu for the last couple of days and the thought of getting off of the couch for anything seems painful. I hope everyone has a good time. Let me know what I miss.
Mr. Glenn might be kind enough to debut some new JOP tonight
between bands...Hope you enjoy this as well!

Great show tonight. Thanks to all the bands for bringing their A game.

Cool stuff:
The turnout. It's about time people showed up for a Pathfinder show.

Improved sound sytem at The Local.

Odin's Court for making the trip.

Lady K doing the moves with Odin's Court.

World Premiers of cuts from the new Evergrey and JOP albums.
-Female vox on the Evergrey were a nice surprise. This song features Tom's wife according to Glenn.
-Two JOP tunes. The first sounds like a continuation from Maniachal Renderings. The second, more of a throwback to Streets. Both good as one would expect. I prefered the first, though Glenn hyped the second.

Watching Glenn run the bar out of Jack Daniels.

About six Savatage songs from Circle II Circle. A decent setlist from their original material, but Zak must be allergic to "Watching In Silence," which is my personal favorite.

The AC/DC encore from Circle II Circle-Hells/Bells

Eclipsed By Sanity- My "Wow" moment for the night. They keep getting better and better.

Watching MeMa bounce around to 'Tage tunes like a teenie booper.

Thanks Hoyt, Karen, and Glenn for making this happen.
Magius, no love for the stage manager?? I thought he did a great job with that sliding bass drum in CIIC's set, and he could pass out a mean water to thristy rockers as well! :kickass::rolleyes:
We want to thank everyone that was there early enough to catch our set, or even part of the set. Hopefully we impressed a few of you that haven't seen us before, and hopefully held up our reputation (and then some) for those that have seen us. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of all your faces in the future.

To the other three bands, it was an absolute honor opening for you guys. :notworthy
Oh. BTW. The stage manager kicked ass tonight!

Yeah, he did alright. :lol:

Great job Billy, E.B.S. and I are looking forward to hitting the stage in Birmingham with A Lower Deep next weekend. :rock:

Great show by all the bands tonight, we had a lot of fun and hopefully this won't be the last time we get to play a show together! Those Circle II Circle guys were class acts I tell ya. Had a lot of fun hanging out with Mitch and talking to all the other CIIC guys after the show was over.
Thanks to everyone that came out last night! There is plenty more to post, but we are back on 85N heading home and posting from my Treo is painful.

I can say that all of us in Odin's Court had a GREAT time playing laat night and can't thank Hoyt enough for having us down and his hospitality!!!

Great night of metal in ATL!
I was VERY impressed by EBS. It was my first time seeing them and I thought they had the best sound of any band of the night. Looking forward to you guys coming to Columbus GA for a show. Halcyon Way was very good as usual. CIIC just slayed. I wish the band had played Watching in Silence or Handful of Rain but those are just minor complaints. The 2 AC/DC songs in the encore were dead on. :rock::rock::rock:

Special shout out to Glenn:kickass: And the MAN HOYT!!!:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy