Civilized 9/11 conspiracy debate

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that debunking site omits way too much information. it really pales in comparison to any conspiracy documentary... which I guess you're too lazy to watch.
that debunking site omits way too much information. it really pales in comparison to any conspiracy documentary... which I guess you're too lazy to watch.

Maybe you should move to the amazon if you don't want to be part of the country.

Shut the fuck up or get the fuck out.
To add some completely irrelevant information (but isn't that what most of this thread is?), I'm going to go out on a limb and promote my boy, Ron Paul.

Seriously. Good guy. Ron Paul for president in 2008.
Maybe you should move to the amazon if you don't want to be part of the country.

Shut the fuck up or get the fuck out.

hmm, so instead of trying to fix things and get the truth out, I should just ignore it and move? should the blacks have moved instead of trying to fight segregation?

wow your logic is hilarious

and speaking of segregation, is it that hard to see how rulers can be wicked?
Segregation. The Civil Rights movement. Sounds like 9/11 material to me.
To add some completely irrelevant information (but isn't that what most of this thread is?), I'm going to go out on a limb and promote my boy, Ron Paul.

Seriously. Good guy. Ron Paul for president in 2008.

this thread was about 9/11 conspiracies, and everything I've said falls into that.

and yes, Ron Paul is the only good candidate as he opposed the Federal Reserve and is not associated with the CFR or Bilderberg, or anything evil.
that debunking site omits way too much information. it really pales in comparison to any conspiracy documentary... which I guess you're too lazy to watch.

Like Loose Change, right? The guys who have to keep editing their video because their arguments get completely flattened to the point where even they can see that they are blatantly wrong?

You clearly have done no research whatsoever looking into the other side of the argument. You keeping bringing up "counterfacts," but the problem is that you're not bringing in any genuine facts which can actually be considered a point of contention. The first step in your argument is to prove that the attacks on 9/11 were not merely the result of a plot stemming from the middle east and their supporters. You have not done this. Do this before you start talking about the Skull And Bones and microchips.

And seriously, you really do suck at debating. You've failed to establish an argument. You're throwing out bullet points and you're not backing them up. YOU are contesting "the mainstream opinion," so the onus is on you to not only present your arguments in a thorough way, but to back them up as well. EVIDENCE. WHERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE. PROVE to me that there were explosions which must have been previously planted detonation devices (this, by the way, is one of the many theories that your friends at Loose Change and others have now dropped). PROVE to me the the fall of the towers is inconsistent with any other naturally occurring collapse of the same nature (also dismissed by conspiracy theorists). PROVE to me that the way that flight 93 crashed into the field should have produced more material debris (this one still hangs on by a limb due to the "abnormally large debris field" which is in fact an error in reporting, extending the alleged debris field 2 miles longer than it actually is because they use mapquest to cite the distance between point a and point b when, amazingly enough, debris flies in a straight pattern and not along the highway). PROVE SOMETHING.
I recall hearing a really good Ron Paul speech from New Hampshire, in which he basically refutes everything that Rudy Giuliana stated in a previous debate.

He also said something the along the lines of, "You realize why we get attacked, right? You know, if the Chinese had bases in the Caribbean and in Maine, we'd fight back too. You bet we'd put up a fight."
wow, I used that to make one point. not to discuss it.

explaining who is behind 9/11 and what else they've been behind still falls into 9/11.
This thread is too complex for my understanding *sigh*. Ok I believe 9/11 was planned by Al Quida and their henchmen. George Bush and his government was not used to threats to their country so they didn't do anything. As for the rest of this thread.

"I ain't touching that with a 10 foot pole" Chef - South Park.
Attilio, I am closing this thread. When you have an actual argument with evidence to support your thesis, PM me immediately and I will reopen this thread as soon as possible. Until then, however, this is just a cess pool of muck raking and shit flinging.
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