Classic Albums with must-skip tracks?


Active Member
Dec 14, 2006
Buffalo, New York
Saw this headline from a non metal post on Twitter... claiming that no skip tracks are a necessary qualifier for an album to be "classic".

Classic is doing a lot of leg work, but it has me curious if anyone puts any albums in this category?

Personally speaking, I feel like 99.9999% of the albums I own and listen too have no skips, outside of some love-irrationally albums.

What do you guys think?
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if we're talking MUST skip then idk, i don't feel that way about many songs. if we're talking DO skip occasionally, then yeah:
manilla road - feeling free again (crystal logic)
cirith ungol - toccata in dm (king of the dead)
aeternus - sentinels of darkness (beyond the wandering moon)
iron maiden - can i play with madness (7th son)
anacrusis - frigid bitch (suffering hour)
judas priest - last rose of summer (sin after sin)
There's been a couple times where I've skipped straight from "N.I.B." to "Warning" on the first Sabbath album, but I don't hate "Evil Woman" or "Sleeping Village" at all. That's all I can think of lol.

We need Pitiless Wanderer to tell us which classic albums have tracks he fastforwards through.
I don't think skipping tracks makes or breaks an album from classic status.
When I'm listening on my phone or in the car the music is usually on random so there are plenty of times when I sit down with an actual album that I might have heard one song more recently than others and I might want to skip it. Doesn't change whether the album is classic or not.
I can't think of too many classic albums where I skip the same track every time.
I don't see how it doesn't qualify as a reason for skipping tracks on what might be classic albums
I don't think skipping tracks makes or breaks an album from classic status.
When I'm listening on my phone or in the car the music is usually on random so there are plenty of times when I sit down with an actual album that I might have heard one song more recently than others and I might want to skip it. Doesn't change whether the album is classic or not.
I can't think of too many classic albums where I skip the same track every time.
My head says it does, but just fun to see other people think on this topic.

I'd agree with no country on Sin after Sin, but then I think of how more I enjoy Stained Class and Sad Wings which makes me question how "classic" it is.

I like Toccata on King of the Dead and always thought Feeling Free Again is oddball but not necessarily skip inducing. Never was a big Maiden guy
I do tend to skip Robbie Soles on Mortal Sin's Face Of Despair because it's a shit song.
For me that album is a classic but for many it probably wont be.
So does one have to define what is classic before answering such a question?
For me it's "Remember the Fallen" off Sodom's Agent Orange. Caffeine is a must when I listen to it.
I've really never been one to skip tracks, which makes sense given some of the trash I listen to willingly.

I figure it's quite a way down through the ranks of songs that are not so consistent/not pulling their weight before I get to something like 'skippable', at which point I'm considering albums I don't regard so highly anyway. Maybe tracks such as Devil's Child on Screaming for Vengeance or Devil's Island on Peace Sells. Something to do with an annoying catchy chorus not convincing me about the evil bloke downstairs, I dunno. :tickled:
There are plenty of albums I like that have low moments, but I'm rarely if ever going to skip anything. Even those weird tracks (Am I Going Insane?), instrumentals no one likes (Rat Salad), radio tracks (Escape), and covers (These Boots) can add something to an album imo. Especially if it's something I regard as a classic, even the imperfections are part of the overall soul of the album, and there are many albums I love for everything that they are as well as everything that they aren't.

It's hard to justify skipping a 3 minute song. Maybe if some classic band had decided to scrape their nails on a chalkboard for 10 seconds and then looped it for 3 minutes, then yea. I'd probably want to skip it, but I'd hear it out to see if there's some great unsung genius found within the art of chalkboard-scraping.

I'm trying to think of songs that I'd feel at least tempted to skip. There are certain albums that just have a lot of lows, despite containing the band's magnum opus, but I don't want to point fingers until I listen to them again.
Well, the most obvious one to me has to be Dawn Patrol off of Rust In Peace, because it's shit.
Teacher's Pet on Black Metal is the first thing that comes to mind. Not a must skip but I wouldn't care if I never heard it again. Agree with Can I Play with Madness too.
Bit harsh... maybe? I mean yeah, it's a bit silly, but even so. Teacher's Pet is still classic Venom - I certainly wouldn't skip it.
Actually I could quite happily turn Defenders of the Faith off after 'Night Comes Down'... up until that point it's a 10/10 album.