Classic Anthrax line up to reunite for Ozzfest 2005?


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
According to a posting at the S.O.D. & M.O.D. Fansite, Sharon Osbourne has promised ANTHRAX a slot at this year's Ozzfest if they play at the 10-year anniversary edition of festival with the classic lineup that was responsible for some of the band's most successful albums:

Joey Belladonna - Vocals
Dan Spitz - Guitars
Frank Bello - Bass
Scott Ian - Guitars
Charlie Benante – Drums

A reunion of the Belladonna-era lineup has been rumored for quite some time, with SHADOWS FALL drummer Jason Bittner going so far as to say that Benante admitted that such a tour was in the works in a conversation with Bittner immediately following the public memorial for slain DAMAGEPLAN/ex-PANTERA guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott.

In his regular online column, dubbed "Blast Beat", Benante jokingly dismissed the rumors with the following statement:

"I keep hearing about this 'reunion' [with former vocalist Joey Belladonna]. I guess things got a bit outta hand. We were talking about doing a KISS reunion. We're all going to wear KISS makeup and go out and do a KISS reunion tour. I'll be Eric Singer doing Peter Criss and YES, I'll also be singing 'Black Diamond' and 'Beck' (haha). I need to figure out a way to play in 8-inch heels. I think that's how the rumors started, maybe it was Jason from [SHADOWS FALL]? Who knows what evil thoughts lurk in the minds of... never mind."

I really really hope that this happens. It will be enough reason alone to attend Ozzfest this year.
If this happens, I'm still not going. I'll get a bootleg, because I'm not about to lay down $100 to sit through a bunch of mallcore/shitcore bands in order to see the classic Anthrax lineup.
If they get that lineup back together they should keep it. And go back to writing Thrash songs instead of nu-metal :yuk:
Ayeka said:
If they get that lineup back together they should keep it. And go back to writing Thrash songs instead of nu-metal :yuk:

Have you actually heard We've Come For You All? Hardly nu metal.

Plus the fact that they did an album with re-recorded tracks from 1984 - 1990 - yeah really nu metal

Btw an old school Anthrax reunion would totally rock as long as they had Bush sing some songs on the set as well since he is the current frontman
I've been hoping for both Maiden and Anthrax on Ozzfest, but I doubt Thrax would be the "classic" line-up. Anyone who's heard the GOTE knows the current band kicks ass on those old songs.

Now, one thing has always annoyed me. Despite what the band says, I think Joey was fired for the same reason he was hired...He sounds like Bruce Dickinson. I've been a fan since back in the day, BUT...I've got ears, and I can admit that Bush beats Belladonna and Rob beats Danny. Seems like fans tend to blame Bush for the fact that Charlie stopped writing great thrash albums.
Thraxdude666 said:
Have you actually heard We've Come For You All? Hardly nu metal.

Plus the fact that they did an album with re-recorded tracks from 1984 - 1990 - yeah really nu metal

Btw an old school Anthrax reunion would totally rock as long as they had Bush sing some songs on the set as well since he is the current frontman
Oh god here come the fanboys...Anthrax could record themselves farting on a cat and you'd all be there to call it the greatest Thrash record ever :loco:

Yes, of course I've heard We've Come For You All. Took me three days to listen to it in it's entireity because it was so painful. Nu-metal, mallcore, even a bit of Nickelback thrown in...

As for rerecording old songs...pah, whatever. Cop-out. Still, the fanboy will latch onto anything to try and keep his delusions up...
Hell, when all goes down, you can still try reuniting the old lineup that was popular... :yuk:
Anthrax are laughable, they constantly complained how nobody invites them to play, maybe because they're totally uninteresting ever since Belladonna, not to mention Spitz left the band... The rerecorded hits album is total crap, Bush can hide in shame for injustice he's done to the old stuff....

It seems two most popular methods to cash in on your past glory are either reunions or basically "greatest hits" album, but with rerecorded favorites.
I'm very afraid of what will the Candlemass union bring... :erk:
Here's a few things for you wacky kids to ponder:
First of all...I might be a "fanboy," but I'm not a mark. I'm not going to sit here and tell you Volume 8 was a kick-ass album, or that it was cool to cover "Got the Time" on P.O.T.
Secondly...Have you REALLY considered the band's motives for releasing GOTE? I can tell you that, if I was in the band, it would be troubling to see the work of my peers (Slayer/Megadeth) remastered and re-released for a new generation of metal fans. It's not likely that the old label will give the same treatment to Thrax's old stuff. So, what can you do? You can re-record the best of the old stuff with the line-up you now have.
Thirdly...What exactly makes Anthrax a joke? Are they a joke because they MAKE jokes? I'd love to hear who some of your favorites are.
Ayeka said:
Oh god here come the fanboys...Anthrax could record themselves farting on a cat and you'd all be there to call it the greatest Thrash record ever :loco:

Yes, of course I've heard We've Come For You All. Took me three days to listen to it in it's entireity because it was so painful. Nu-metal, mallcore, even a bit of Nickelback thrown in...

As for rerecording old songs...pah, whatever. Cop-out. Still, the fanboy will latch onto anything to try and keep his delusions up...

Anthrax are thrash metal legends - get used to the fact. They were there back in '83 releasing songs which everyone dug and still dig now. There is a reason why they are named as one of the big four.

And do you actually know what nu metal is. Are you one of these people who labels anything released post 1994 as nu metal. We've Come For You All was a definite metal albums - it mixed up a load of styles to keep it interesting from thrash to 70s rock and also with a load of melody in it.

Also Testament did an album of re-recordings and I haven't seen anyone complain about that. What's the big deal with re-recording old songs?

I respect your opinion and if you don't like Anthrax then that's fine suit yourself but don't come on a thread and say a load of shit about a band that you have no interest in. I see threads about black metal and I don't like black metal but that doesn't mean I post on the thread slagging off black metal bands and their fans.

Just give it a goddam rest...
Anything post-1994 I don't like that sounds like its geared towards 14-year old kids in hoodies I call nu-metal :loco: however you want to beat around the bush, We've Come For You All is a gromit-orientated album.

As it happens I'm very much into my Anthrax...up til Among The Living. Everything I've heard from after that I think is poo (apart from I'm The Man). So I think I'm within my rights to post my opinion in a thread such as this, darling :)
I was looking for info about Dan Spitz last week on the net, and apparently him and Nikko from Maiden were working on some instrumental metal album. Not sure if anything came of it or not, but it was funny seeing a picture of short Dan next to tall and lanky Nikko.

I'd like to see 'thrax in their original form. I always liked their early sound and shit, regardless of what they are playing now. I think so many old bands are just happy to be out there playing in front of people and being able to play their old stuff to fans who remember it. Maybe some young kids like their new stuff, and that makes them go buy their old albums and see what old school shit is like.

USMC0341 said:
I was looking for info about Dan Spitz last week on the net, and apparently him and Nikko from Maiden were working on some instrumental metal album. Not sure if anything came of it or not, but it was funny seeing a picture of short Dan next to tall and lanky Nikko.
There was an mp3 floating around a long time back...Vanilla Ice on vocals or something :ill: dunno what ever became of that...

I forgot to say: bring back Neil Turbin! :headbang:
Resunikcufecin said:
Here's a few things for you wacky kids to ponder:
First of all...I might be a "fanboy," but I'm not a mark. I'm not going to sit here and tell you Volume 8 was a kick-ass album, or that it was cool to cover "Got the Time" on P.O.T.
Secondly...Have you REALLY considered the band's motives for releasing GOTE? I can tell you that, if I was in the band, it would be troubling to see the work of my peers (Slayer/Megadeth) remastered and re-released for a new generation of metal fans. It's not likely that the old label will give the same treatment to Thrax's old stuff. So, what can you do? You can re-record the best of the old stuff with the line-up you now have.
Thirdly...What exactly makes Anthrax a joke? Are they a joke because they MAKE jokes? I'd love to hear who some of your favorites are.
Look at the junior member get all offended over Anthrax getting their balls busted!:tickled: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Obviously, you're biased & can't see outside of the box. So go fuck yourself!
And tell your buddies from the Anthrax forum the same...
Hey, look at Mr. Sixx get all offended because someone fires back at him. By the way, am I to assume that you are actually a fan of Nikki and the Crue? If so, you have no ground to stand on when arguing over someone's credibility.

I was hoping you'd just read the points I brought up, and respond to them, so we could debate the issue. BUT, you obviously prefer to take the high road, so... NO, YOU go fuck yourself.
Resunikcufecin said:
Hey, look at Mr. Sixx get all offended because someone fires back at him. By the way, am I to assume that you are actually a fan of Nikki and the Crue? If so, you have no ground to stand on when arguing over someone's credibility.

I was hoping you'd just read the points I brought up, and respond to them, so we could debate the issue. BUT, you obviously prefer to take the high road, so... NO, YOU go fuck yourself.
Listen little bitch boy, I might be a Motley Crue fan, but if you were a regular you'd know I blast them just as much as the next band. You on the other hand are so far up Charlie Benante's ass that you need to wipe the feces from you ears & eyes. It's over for them don't you get it dickhead?! The closest they came to "making it" was during the tour of Clash of the Titans...
So what if they get Joey back? So what? Nobody cares...
Now get off my board! You've worn out your welcome!
SIXXSWINE or Master to you...