Classic Thrash Metal Reborn

i hate to be too critical about vocals, because i can't sing for shit. but i have to admit that i'm not digging the vocals here. and, for what it's worth, i am from the old school thrash era. i really like the rest, though. drums sound very good, guitars and bass tones sound kick ass and get along well. looking forward to the mastered version of 6.
Ok kiddies, so I decided to say fuck the old version of this song.

We recut EVERYTHING last night, and I think the end result is MUCH better then the first attempt at this tune. There are only 2 tracks of guitars now. One panned hard right, and another panned hard left.

Signal chain is slightly modified on the guitars and bass on this one.

Guitars are now:
Squire w/ Duncans > Tube Screamer > Valve King > V30's> i5

Bass Guitar > Tube Screamer > Mixer

I think the TS on the bass really cleaned up the low "tubby" sounds I was getting. The guitars have alot more gain and the EQ settings are totally different. Gain boost was on, Resonance was set to tight, Amp was set to class A, Volume boost was off, Gain 5, Bass 3, Mids 5, Highs 6

Let me know what you think.

Personally I think the guitars need a little compression in the low mids, and maybe roll off some of the high frequencies. But I think this version has a much cleaner sound then the first. Even the preformance was much better.

All the drums were reprogrammed and all the little off time stuff was fixed.

This mix has pretty much nothing on it but some drum verb, and some EQ on the bass guitars. No mastering effects or anything on the entire mix.
Ya sure.

Let me get all the parts finished (Vox, and solos) and Ill turn it over to you guys and see what you can come up with.

Maybe we should turn this into a mix competition

Im gonna throw some mastering effects on this one and post it and see if it brings it to life any.

I should have Vox and Solos done friday. Maybe we should do a version with no solos so I can let you jam on
well, I did not like them probably because there was to much space between them, dont know if it was due to long reverb on drums or if there was something in bad phase correction in multiple takes or what. Now it seems to be ok. I'm not trying to put shame on your work. I only tell you what i hear when I think it could help.
Oh man, that last mix is killer! Guitars are so phat! Just replace 'em hats 'n cymbals and maybe bring the bass up so it cuts through. I like to hear the actual bass playing in the mix, instead of just the low end. Cheers!
That's cool, I won't have a chance to work with them till like 12 hours from now anyway. And the raw files for the drums is fine, though like cryptic said, some of the cymbals aren't too hot. But I'll still have a go.