Classic, widely known and useful "Qué toy cushando" (aka NP Thread)

hmmmmmmmmmmmm..........some has given me negative reputation for my previous post in this thread.... Well,if he/she doesn't like the song,my taste in music or whatever it's his/her problem,but at least he/she should have the courage to write a comment and his/her name next to it......
A negative reputation with no comment doesn't help much ......


NL:Another Life-cottonpines
it seems negative reputation never comes signed, so all you can do is ignore it :)
besides, these people who spread it usually do that just for fun, without a reason... what was that proverb again? "the mother of fools is always pregnant" ;)

some farmakon
Steve420 said:
I have given bad rep to two people, and I have signed it both times.

Ahhh, that one were you...

@Mel: That reputation thing is just a game. Otherwise, my charisma would bring me too much reputation, and I don't wanna get bothered by millions of worshippers and naked girls founding cults to adore me. :loco:

N.P: Gotthard .- Heaven

|ng (Esto está muerto)
hmmm... this forum is so silent, why? it's quite surprising... i always thought of spaniards as very outgoing and noisy people :p

the quill from a buzzard
the blood writes the word
i want to know am i the sky
or a bird
'cause hell is boiling over
and heaven is full
we're chained to the world
and we all gotta pull
and we're all gonna be
just dirt in the ground

tom waits - dirt in the ground
noisy???? we??? and that's comes from an Italian :p

nah, we're silent and insane people...
i just hope to see you more here my not quiet humanly rei ;)

Nau Escuching: Radio yuck!
@fathervic: being a spammer extraordinaire, i promise i'll do my best :Smokedev:
btw, "radio yuck!" sounds fun :p

tritonus - käärme (still trying to learn how some finnish words sound *mpfff*)
well tritonus sounds much more uhmmmm funny :p

good luck with the finnish...if it looks like a nightmare, smells like a nightmare and tastes like a nightmare, then, it's a nightmare :p
thank you (or, better, kiitos) for your wishes and yes, finnish *is* a nightmare :D
but, alas, nothing could stop me now that i know the most important finnish word: peruna (potato) :cool: :p

tricky - overcome
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Yö <--- Eh, q yo tb sé hablar en finlansueco de ese. That means "night", am I right Rei?

Nau lisenin: 101 South .- Run like a Tiger (Good advice, btw)

|ng (Spammer)
:eek: finnish

kööiiittoos kååssjjjää jääl eekk ëerki
The above meant good luck Rei =) (in Martian finnish:p)

peruna peruna peruna frita

Solefald-Sonnenuntergang im Weltraum :hotjump:
peruna frita :lol:

ing: de ahi viene lo de "no te hagas el finlansueco" , no??? :p

miolo: I'm really amazed, thanx to introduce me (indirectly) to that incredible song!!!

Now, I'm listening the roaring of hundreds of HUGE ferries in the port of Piraeus and the eventual HOooooooonk of some of them....

fv (hooooooooonk)
Dream Theater-Solitary shell

:Smug: i felt like listening to this song...err...due it's light springh rythm, evenm thought DT fuck it a bit up in the end :p


followed by Ulver-I troldskog faren vild

what a combination :loco:
bueno,no toy cushando nada.....

i just wanted to say that i like this place a lot =))))
and give my greetings and hugs to the lucky people that will be surfing here,while i'll be having a horrible time in my classes ;)

yup,Tuesday is always a class-hell

FV@ mmmmmm yup,i am a little devil :)))))))
and for sure i like DT....the Mind's I rules :loco:

and finally this evil machine has let me spread some new reputation around.......

I love you all =)))))))))
/melancholia (going nuts!!!)
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Ahorita ecushé: Scott Bakula (Yes! The actor!) .- Imagine (And yes, the famous song, it is a cover Bakula sang for the series "Quantum Leap").

|ng (Addicted to (mental) Chaos)

P.S: Peruna, du bi du ba, perunaaaaa, du du dubi, peruna frita, yeah!!!! :cool: :loco: