Classic, widely known and useful "Qué toy cushando" (aka NP Thread)

Ing: i've heard there's a rip of the DVD in undernet and the rumours say it was the most savage party...a pure holocaust of milk, fur and cookies!!!! :p

Nau Escuching: Jarabe de Palo - Bonito

fathervic (bonita la gente cuando hay calidad)
@fathervic: cookies? where? *hungry* :p
to be honest, atm i could eat a cookie only if it was almost frozen :loco:

faith no more - evidence
well now i have a coupla of Twix in the fridge (being protected from this bad bad heat). But i'm not hungry, i just ate....i suppose it was the food of angels, for it was an angel who cooked it ;) :p

faith no more's king for a day is WONDERFUL!!!!

NP: Kalokairina Rantevou

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NP:nothing,cause i'm in the a compulsive studying mood and it is prohibited to listen to music

:sniff: /troll (just passing by :cry: I want to suuuuuurf!!!!!! and read MORT!!!!!!! )
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i think i'm gonna die soon if this damn heat doesn't stop... my poor blood pressure is always so low that i feel like a zombie :cry:
tonight i'm supposed to go out with a couple of "friends" but i haven't heard anything from them yet *mpf* oh well... :rolleyes:

spandau ballet - true awww... this song brings back old memories :)
now the stopped shooting Futurama here and they're making Family Guy, it looks chupi....but still not as futu...we'll see...

NP: some kind of Jackson copy or something new from Jackson that I haven't realilsed is him!
Oooooooooh bigger..than you and you are not me!!!!

R.E.M - Loosing my religion

fathervic (i thought that i heard you laughing)
Ing@ :lol:

mmmmm i feel rather hungry now..i could even gave this unsacredly frita peruna :p

no music here...there is an angel sleeping in the sofa and it would be nasty disturbing him :)

/troll (nani to moro mou)
The Nice Troll said:
no music here...there is an angel sleeping in the sofa and it would be nasty disturbing him

Hey, you're one of the couples that keep my hopes alive, don't ever stop saying things like that!!!! I adore it!!!

Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams

fathervic (who always thought it was Sweet Dreams are made of Tears...and the truth is Sweet Dreams are made of THIS!!!!! omg!!!!)
