Classic, widely known and useful "Qué toy cushando" (aka NP Thread)

FatherVic said:
Vandi - Simera

paidi mou!!!!!!!!!! Mi grafeis tetoia pragmata edo!!tha to dei kanenas ellinas kai tha mas parei me tis ntomates!!! :ill: we're supposed to be evil futuristic misanthropic BM in here!! :loco:

asteiaki asteiaki :D

hi hihi hihihihi to all!!!!! i was suppose to be studying health psychology...very pleasant stuff :erk: so i couldn't resist the temptation of strolling a bit through this nutty place!!!

NL: nada de nada y un poco de todo

/troll (accompanied by a thick cloud of morning stupidity)
tha kanoume mia salata :p kai tha tin fame me ksidi kai ellies!!!! :loco:

NL: radio crap

fathervic ( more evil than your average melon)
fantastiko peponaki =)))

mmmmmmmmmmmm tha etroga mia salata eyxaristos tora :D

estoy hecha polvo y, ademas, triste por el asesinado de la sueca ministra.........

/trollini (who hopes to have more time for foruming this week)
Ok, I finally had a time to stop by! My uni started and with it a lot of preparing stuff...I have a 10day vacation soon and I have to finish some practices before I leave! Another one while away, and another one when i return...argh!!!!

NL: Xatsiagianis - Monos Mou
hey hey, good luck with your uni, sir :)
i just got home after some hours of work and i'm quite wasted: to me, smokers ought to be killed on the spot :p the damn smoke gives me too bad headaches :ill:
anyway, while i was working, i heard on the radio a song that reminded me of many summers ago, so now i've found it and here we go...
thankies :)

oh, i can't say the same about killing smokers cause my daddy smokes, but the habit of smoking give me the creeps. It's just the most stupid habit on earth (appart, probably, from hitting your head hard against iron walls :p ). But well whatcha gonna do against human stupidity???? :p

fathervic (remembering duran duran...hehehe)
everyone in my family smokes (or smoked) except me and i can tell you it's very disturbing :yuk: what i hate most about smokers is when you politely ask them to go somewhere else: they start complaining and then light a cigarette, totally ignoring you :)
anyway, hopefully someday the anti-smoking law will work and people who can't bear smoke, like me, will be able to survive some hours in a pub :p
Rei Toei said:
everyone in my family smokes (or smoked) except me and i can tell you it's very disturbing !:yuk: what i hate most about smokers is when you politely ask them to go somewhere else: they start complaining and then light a cigarette, totally ignoring you :)
anyway, hopefully someday the anti-smoking law will work and people who can't bear smoke, like me, will be able to survive some hours in a pub :p
ALL my family has been smoking for years....
2 years ago my mom gave up...
4 months ago my sister gave up...
my dad has tried milllions of times and refuses to keep trying hehehe
my brother in law has been saying "today's the last one" for 2 years now...
our goldfishes have to wear nicotine patches because the flame didn't catch :p

and me, the poor me, I never wanted to try the stuff since I could easily see the problems that my parents had trying to give up...hehehe

BTW: I'm (we're) leaving to Spain tomorrow night...I don't know if we'll be able to post for the next 10 days, though i suppose a moment we'll find...we'll see heheheehe

cheers and have a nice time!

The strange thing about smoking is that very often the non-smokers have to put up with smoking, in pubs,restaurants, or even in family contexts, instead of forcing the evil smoking family member to go to the balcony hehe as if smoking was the normal thing....
strange world :p

I have no problem with smokers, I myself used to smoke for 5 1/2 until i saw the light :p and the ability to buy even more Cds :p Seriously, as long as smokers have respect for no smokers i have no problem with them... Actually it doesn't nag me when a person in a room smokes...i just start having trouble when there's many,like in pubs, or they smoke in places where there is not much air... AND definitely what i hate is when i enter in an elevator and find out that somebody has smoked in there.....i really HATE it...

oh well, i've just printed my final project, i'll deliver it tomorrow! It looks thick :D good sign :p

mmmmmmmmmm being the troll of the evil Fv i'll also be away for 10 days,so i also think we won't be able to post,but a moment or so :rolleyes:

hugies to all and take care of yourselves!!

Uffffff....gone and back...

My (our) trip to Spain was much more stressing than I expected, though it's always nice to see family and friends after 8 months of matirial absence. However I couldn't see everything/everyone I wanted :cry: (banyoles, vall de nuria and lots of people'll have to wait for next was just 10 days!)

Now I have to put myself to work and also to study like hell since I've missed quite a lot of my uni stuff!!!! So I think I deserve quite a big AAARRGGGHHHHH!!!

And since at work I CAN'T put music of my kind and I'm somehow obliged to suffer the EGR (evil greek radio) I think i will start in this thread another way of posting...instead of the usual NP (now playing) I will start writing the NW (now wishing or now wanting) and I'll write what I would like to listen at the moment I'm browsing the forum...does that make any sense??? If you are a sevenlegged monster who can read, but just martian and never heard of English and the concept of music, then the answer is obviously not! :err:

so, NOW WANTING: Dark Tranquillity - Day to end :Spin:

fathervic (back to the present)
Hi :wave:

I'm back from the trip,too :p but unfortunately i couldn't post earlier,since our computer is dead & i have to write from internet cafe whenver i have time,which means during the day NEVER :cry:

I miss the forums,i miss my friends,i miss posting....

*group huuuuuuuuuug*

NOW WANTING: Ulver-I trolskog faren vild

/Mel (yup,hehe,i'm suffering from the stupid EGR,too baaaaaaaaaaaaah)
depende de lo mucho que te lo curres :p

well, here it's end of season and practically nobody comes to this place, so instead of the greek radio i put my own music (though i don't put hard stuff, obviously) so I can finally put a normal NP... :)
ooooh,think twice :))

hehe the troll is back!!! *knock knock*

ooops,no music here!! am i nuts or what,hm?

Robotaki@ prontito tendrás un PM con links útiles :)

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cryptic wintermoon...uhmmm what do they sound like??? i mean, apart from being it BM orientated or more death metal??? I find Vintersorg quite viking, but I wouldn't say it's BM orientated anymore...

for me I now switched from place of work, though I work for the same people. Now there's more people around so I AGAIN can't put my music and have to suffer the Random Greek Radio Atrocity!

so I return to my Now Wanting: Moxy Fruvous - King Of Spain
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