Classical finger picking


Nov 22, 2001
I have been playing electric guitar (read: using a pick) for a couple of years now and I'd like to learn how to play classical guitar as well. I was wondering if anyone here could point me a good book (or online primer) on finger picking & classical guitar and general.
I used the Christopher Parkening Method Book1 when I first got started.

I thought it was a good method myself but I don't know how it compares to some of the other methods. I think finding a good teacher would help too......even if for a little while. Get your technique off on the right foot.
Hey Hylian,
I would add to that, Frederick Noads Solo guitar series, Aaron Shearer Classical guitar series, Mauro Giuliani's book of right hand Arpeggios, and many others. The problem is that good right hand technique is not based on what you can play, it's based on the attitude and orientation of your hand to execute it, and that is best learned from another.

Take care, Chris.
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I'll check those books out.

I know that I really should take classical guitar classes from someone else. The problem is that I have very little free time; travelling back and forth for this, in addition to university and my singing classes, would become quite a heavy load on me. What I'm currently considering is either getting a local teacher to give me classes once or twice a month and keep me on the right track or taking Chris' online classes from my home.