Classical Music

OK, Wagner has been recommended, but be sure to get a compilation of his orchestral tracks... I especially love the "Tannhäuser Ouvertüre".
Another great and a bit similiar composer would be Richard Strauss.
The Intro to his "Also sprach Zarathustra" is very well known, i think it is played in a science fiction movie - this one is very metal.
Edvard Grieg has some nice stuff... but i there is also enough of him i do not like..
I also like Beethoven, but all this older stuff, despite being musically diversed and very good and so on.... it is a bit tame compared to the newer composers, though there are epic and blasting moments.
i would suggest some mahler symphonies(epic and evil sometimes), allan pettersson(his work is all about death, depression so...), bella bartok, stravinsky(you can't get more metal than the rite of spring, some stuff there could be in a meshuggah record:rock: ), shostakovich(symphony nº5 and string quartet nº5 are very good to start, evil)
bonfire89 said:
Im looking for some classical music.

The type/mood/feeling like with the Lord of the rings sound track or Craddle of Filth's cover of fear of the dark.

Any sugestions?


I prefer Russian masters.... Rimsky-Krsakov, Rachmaninoff etc. A cool contemporary "classical style" release is the soundtrack to "The Black Hole" which was a Sci-fi movie made in the late 70's.

The Intro to his "Also sprach Zarathustra" is very well known, i think it is played in a science fiction movie - this one is very metal.

>> afaik it is played in the beginning of '2001 - odyssey in space'.

i'd recommend:
alban berg - dem andenken eines engels (to the memory of an angel')
arnold schönberg - verklärte nacht
mozart - requiem in d-minor
Puccini - requiem
penderecki - metamorphoses and 'threnody for the victims of hiroshima'
I'm surprised noone has mentioned Arvo Part yet - his later works are spiritual/athmospheric and very beautiful