depressing classical music?


New Metal Member
Dec 25, 2003
i've just joined this shit and i've been interested in checking out some depressing classical music. i like bach. i like mischa maisky's stuff. he was on the gummo soundtrack. other than that i don't really know too much. any suggestions? i'm looking for stuff that's dark if there's any out there. :erk:
well the last few months i've only been listening to classical stuff, i'm addicted!

try beethoven moonlight sonata, funeral march those are kinda depressing.

don't know if this is what you want but here's some dark or epic stuff but not really depressing...

dvorak - 7th and 9th(new world) symphonies
tchaikovsky - 4th and 6th symphonies
sibelius - filandia
Mussorgsky - Night on Bald Mountain - really dark the opening is black metal:rock:

wagner - ride of the valkyries
stravinsky - the rite of spring -> it doesn't get more metal than this!
gustav holst - the planets

classical rules:rock:
Check out the Soundtrack to The Thin Red Line by Hanz Zimmer. The 1st 4 tracks aren't exactly uplifting, but I wouldn't say they're depressing. Check them out anyway: "The Coral Attol", "The Lagoon", "Journey To The Line", "Light".