Classical music

Vivaldi's Four Seasons

in before Thoth-Amon


anyone starting out with classical needs to buy a complete set of Beethoven's symphonies. get the 1963 Karajan set on Deutsche Gramaphone... Amazon has it for like 25 bucks... killer deal.
I'm a bit of a novice and I mostly stick to impressionist composers, but that might help with recs in some ways. Some of my faves:

Camille Saint-Saen
Claude Debussy
Maurice Ravel
Erik Satie
Edward Elgar
Alexander Scriabin

and just to ruffle a few feathers:
Phillip Glass
Thomas Newman
Dvorak's New World Symphony. Not sure which version you should get. Just look around. It's my favorite piece of Romantic music. The fourth movement in it is just plain epic.
Actually, I would be interested in getting into classical ever since I started listen to Godspeed! You Black Emperor, who borrow a ton from classical. Anyone wanna make me a mix and send it to em via megaupload?
If this isn't limited to just western classical then get "Like Waves Against the Sand." It's a good album of chinese classical music.
Actually, I would be interested in getting into classical ever since I started listen to Godspeed! You Black Emperor, who borrow a ton from classical. Anyone wanna make me a mix and send it to em via megaupload?

I can't be arsed with that, but I will recommend you some ambient/classical/minimalist artists you would probably enjoy:

Sylvain Cheaveau
Thomas Newman
Saying "recommend me some classical" is like a rock fan saying "recommend me some metal". I haven't a clue where to start with a genre so diverse and with 400 years of history. Most people would say start with the obvious ones, Mozart, Beethoven etc, but I don't care much for either (with a few exceptions). So I'll just list my 5 favourite works, all of which are dark and should appeal to metal fans:

Gorecki: Symphony No 3 (Symphony of Sorrowful songs)
Sibelius: The Swan of Tuonela
Bela Bartok: The Miraculous Mandarin
Michael Nyman: The Piano Concerto
Stravinsky: Firebird
I'm a huge novice when it comes to classical music, but I was wondering about atonal classical music. I listened to a little Schoenberg and Berg and liked both of them. Any recommendations as to what I should listen to from them or any other atonal classical?
I'm a huge novice when it comes to classical music, but I was wondering about atonal classical music. I listened to a little Schoenberg and Berg and liked both of them. Any recommendations as to what I should listen to from them or any other atonal classical?

Berg is the best of the second Viennese school. He has several great pieces including the Lulu Suite; the Piano Sonata; Wozzeck and ESPECIALLY the Violin Concerto which is a masterpiece.
From Schoenberg I'd get Verklarte Nacht (Transfigured Night) which is a pre-atonal piece that is just awesome; Erwartung; Pierre Lunaire and the first Chamber Symphony.
Metal borrows heavily from classical.

Bartok is amazing, so is Mahler, Stravinsky

Frank Zappa made great classical:

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