Classical music

Omni said:
Béla Bartók

Yes!! Bartók is amazing. He's probably my favorite composer right after J.S. Bach.

I'm a huge novice when it comes to classical music, but I was wondering about atonal classical music. I listened to a little Schoenberg and Berg and liked both of them. Any recommendations as to what I should listen to from them or any other atonal classical?

If you like atonal music, you might also be interested in composers who experiment with microtonality/micropolyphony. György Ligeti, for instance.
Yes!! Bartók is amazing. He's probably my favorite composer right after J.S. Bach.

If you like atonal music, you might also be interested in composers who experiment with microtonality/micropolyphony. György Ligeti, for instance.

yes Ligeti is cool... also try Penderecki.
Someone on here a while ago recommended Henryk Gorecki's Symphony No. 3 a while back, and it's just an amazing piece of music. Definitely one of the best classical compositions I've ever heard.