Classics Reborn

Oh right I forgot about that one.

The first recreational weed shop on the east coast opened today the next town over from me. It was all over the news. There was some guy from Mississippi. That's pretty damn far. He knows he has to get all the way back without being pulled over right? lol.
Apparently the first person in line was the mayor of the town :D
Is the guy legal to buy as long as he uses it before he gets home or is he not allowed to buy because he's from another state?
I wish our mayor would get high, would explain his fucking stupid decisions.
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Anyone over 21 can buy it here. But once you cross state lines it's illegal or a ticket depending on the state. Haha! yeah I know a few people that could use a little toking up!
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In this country I don't think the shops would make enough money, if people want weed around here they just grown their own.
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We are allowed to grow as well, I think it's 6 plants per adult in this state. In Maine it's 10 plants. But with the shops you can get all the oils and different kinds not to mention the edibles. So I think the convenience factor is really big. If I was growing (which I'm not) I probably wouldn't care that much about the store. Maybe go there once in a while for oil or maybe some gummy bears lol.
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Oh yeah I forgot about all that other shit, it would be a huge convenience thing for some people. In this country if the stuff was legalised it would be too expensive. The government taxes the shit out of cigarettes and they are now more than $1 a smoke, if they got their hands on weed it would probably be unaffordable for all but millionaires.
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Man it's 35 years since This Is Spinal Tap was released. Damn that was a stupidly funny piss take. There is only one better piss take of the metal world and that is Comic Strip Presents Bad News.
Oh yeah I forgot about all that other shit, it would be a huge convenience thing for some people. In this country if the stuff was legalised it would be too expensive. The government taxes the shit out of cigarettes and they are now more than $1 a smoke, if they got their hands on weed it would probably be unaffordable for all but millionaires.
Oh yeah! I think the tax is pretty heavy! I don't think I'd be going there too much. If you have a medical card though it's tax free.
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KK can't live without shitting on his ex band mates
Jake E Lee is still bitter about...well everything it seems.
Ace Frehley thinks leaving KISS was the best thing he did, but has wanted back in since he left.
Chris Holmes is still pissy at Blackie
And Glen Hughes thinks he's some kind of rockstar.

Old musos really should just curl up and die in the corner.
I can't stand Glen Hughes, he might have written half the songs off the four DP albums he appeared on but he was in the band for 3 years in the 70's, he was little more than a contributing artist filling a hole. He's an arrogant fuckwit and in his interviews on day time TV here a few years back (because he couldn't even get a slot on evening entertainment shows) he spent his entire time telling the interviewers how he was a driving force behind DP's sound. He helped create what DP was. He kept DP together. And he was the only one that could play DP classics the way they should be played. He even told one interviewer that the band currently touring as DP which includes Gillan, Glover and Paice who have been with the band on and off since it's inception were not true DP musos. It's as much a fault of the interviewers who didn't do their research enough to call him on his BS but the guy is still a dick.
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Glen Hughes never used to be a complete douche as far as I know but the last ten years or so he really seems to have come out as one. The whole BS about them suing him wasn't for using songs he wrote, it was for trying to market off the same name they were still using. He's got the rights to his own songs as does anyone. But his attitude in the media is really shitty, not KK shitty because he doesn't bring his band mates down with every interview but shitty because he seems to think he created DP.
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Oh ok I gotcha, I didn't really know who he was too much until a few years ago and it was a live thing I watched and he was just demolishing shit ( in a good way ) just belting everything out with a lot of confidence unapologetically. It was pretty cool to hear someone around Coverdale's age but just nailing everything.

I kinda enjoyed Jake's's been a weird day lol
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I don't listen to what he plays or sings any more but he used to be talented, probably still is, he just comes across as a douche.

I haven't been reading much of the Jake stuff. I skim through it, but he really started the promo cycle for the new album shooting everyone down, but I think he's eased up a bit lately.
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Yeah he's eased up slightly since those really bad ones he did. This most recent seems ok. there might be a couple parts where he may sound like a bit of a dick, but it's so hard to tell in print that I'm letting it go lol
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I don't blame him for having some angst but I do think there is a time where one has to let go of things, even money. I think Jake knows how to create controversy and he does it to get the ball rolling where as some use it to continually keep themselves in the news. The problem today is that too many people don't forget, musos drag old shit up, then the fans (or internet haters) drag it up forever so that the shit always follows the person. A lot of the crap Jake cops from the internet is not based on what he has said recently, same goes a bit for Ace, he's being a bit of a dick now but people are still talking about when he left KISS as if it's something that means everything today.
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