Classics Reborn

Yeah seriously. They can't do a one off?!
I wonder why Hill stays with them. He doesn't have the writing creds Rachel and Snake have so he's not getting paid like them. And Sebastian puts out better music plus is better than all their other singers. If Hill and Rob joined Bach they might do better.

It's hard not to think that Snake and Rachel aren't complete fuckwits when you consider it looks like them that are stopping everything.
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Complete. I have to think it's even more Rachel. I bet if he agreed, Snake would be down. But I don't see the reverse of that happening.

Yeah Rachel seems to be the one all the shit fighting starts and stops with. He seems to control everything so I'd imagine if he said yes it would happen.
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I don't really want to get into this other than, holy shit. Could she sound like anymore of a pretentious self important bitch with her stupid art bed and massages (yes messages, hate to break it to her) and vapid girlfriends. Yeah the Motley movie ain't art. But neither is fucking Hole! Gotta love all the people crying about the way woman are portrayed in it. News flash, those chicks went there to have sex. They sought them out for it and got what they wanted. Another generation called that empowerment.
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I reckon Courtney has appeared in more tv docos than Tommy and for similar reasons, drug fucked rock stars and their fucking egos.

She's always come off as a sour twat more interested in being pretentious than anything else. I've never liked the bitch but I really think in this case what she did was calculated. She knew if she made those comments Nikki or Tommy couldn't resist firing a shot back. I would imagine she had some of the same chicks in the same towns chasing her for fame and fortune too.

Realistically I think as much as there has been talk that because of metoo it was the wrong time to release a movie about MC, but I reckon it was the perfect time because without the bitching females claiming how bad the groupies were treated the movie wouldn't have got the headlines it did.
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Just funny coming from someone who is such a train wreck she got her kid taken away lol. And only really has anything because of who she married.
I honestly think the movie would have done the same. It's the right time. Kids are interested in seeing what they missed.
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She can afford to be pretentious after he kids got taken away and grew up as mental cases, she didn't have to spend money on their upbringing :)

As much as I think it got headlines I don't think the movie has got that much of a boost from the metoo hype, in fact I think a lot of the females trying to make connect the two have failed. But I do think there was a reason it took so long to make and that's because no one was interested enough until now to pump more cash into it.
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Yeah god knows she has way more of everything than she deserves.

I don't know what was going on with that. They had enough interest that real studios tried to make it for years. I don't know what the problem was. Me personally? I don't think if I was a studio I'd have thought it was worth putting money into.
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I suppose Hole was successful and it wasn't all riding on Kurt, but she must have made some money in her life to afford the drugs she has.

The problem was the studios started out interested but when they realised what the story was and how much it was costing they pulled out. Then one of the producers pulled out, MC became less popular because of their outspoken ways of gaining publicity and then it just kept getting shunted around without a home. It wasn't until it got re-written and Netflix started throwing money at just about everything that it became viable again, but even then there was a major hurdle when one of the grips sued for about $2mill after he was electrocuted on set. If it wasn't for Netflix it wouldn't have been made because no major studio wanted it.
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Ok so I did it, I watched 2019's best fantasy movie. (Come on Tommy have a go at me!)

Gotta say it's funnier than I expected, although that might have been because I was laughing at the things they chose to put in and that what they chose to leave out. I suppose they handled Razzle death better than I expected but that doesn't excuse the rest of it.
Shit like playing Same Ol Situation while talking about heading into the studio for Girls, or playing Home Sweet Home and not mentioning Theater until well after the song was played. The music was a reminder of a the 80's and there is no doubting I can still sing all the songs, but the story is disjointed, it lacks depth and I feel it was really only there to tell how fucked up the band was not to tell a story about the band.
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The Queen bio-pic/movie/whatever told story, sure it missed stuff and jumped ahead a few times but it was in order. Considering Nikki and Tommy co-produced (credits say Mick and Vince did too but I don't think they did as much) you would reckon they could get something like the music in the correct order. Despite some of the book being shitted on for being made up I still think they could have made it so much better with some thought, but it appears almost as if they just wanted to get something out to say it was done.
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Was it the Dirt book that people say is made up or the Heroin Diaries?
Yeah I think you're right about them just wanting to get something out. Also the quality of directors and writers Netflix has can be very...not good lol.
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Both, but the Heroin Diaries copped it for being ALL made up. The Dirt was backed up by some fact because plenty of the stories were able to be confirmed but maybe not confirmed 100%. Heroine Diaries was widely condemned as fantasy because no one believes an addict could remember shit as clearly as he claims too.

Yeah the movie might have suffered with taking so long and therefore getting one final push, but I doubt that was all that stopped it being compelling
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