Clayman - 2 cd´s

Never heard of it. Eager to find out. The only bonus songs that are on the different special editions of Clayman are Strong and Smart, and World Of Promises
Never heard of it either. The only special edition Clayman I've seen was the shape cd, and I have it.
Yeah, there are quite a few versions of Clayman:
The one with World of promises.
The one with Strong and smart.
The shaped one.
And the one I think consists of 2 cd´s. I think I´ve seen it once but stupid me didn´t buy it :(
well i have both the DCD and the limited with 3d cover

here it goes

clayman dubbel CD is the Asian version with strong and smart as bonus song, and the other cd is only a screen saver but the cd it self is cool only the jester head on it

the 3d verion includes world of promises as bonus track and aloso have the same screen saver but that version is only one CD

so thats it i hope i helped you
TTS was released on vinyl? I've never seen it...

Once I have some money I'm going to try to get every IF release... just CD's aren't enough... I want special editions and vinyls :)
Steve said:
TTS was released on vinyl? I've never seen it...

Once I have some money I'm going to try to get every IF release... just CD's aren't enough... I want special editions and vinyls /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif
Yup. If you would happen to live in Stockholm, I know of a place that has it.