Picture request thread

You're really going deep, where do you get those pic. :)
Here's another interesting promo pic from Subterranean. Strangely enough, Henke seems to be missing.


Glenn Ljungström, Daniel Erlandsson, Jesper Strömblad, and Johan Larsson

Little offtopic since you have, so many At the gates bootlegs, do they constantly play Suicide nation ?
They played it at every show in 1996. Also, in 1995, it was played as a teaser before the release of Slaughter of the Soul, and the intro is quite different than the studio version.
nice pic, Embody is my all time favourite song, also because of the riif, and irronicly the first IF song i heard.


I learned In Flames, and Melodic Death Metal through Tony hawk Underground. It was a gate openner for me.
Not gonna sit here and watch the whole thing, but the sound is really good...
edit: change "good" to "intolerable bad"