Clean vocals Swano

Unicorn, a share of vocals on Star One's studio album (roles including LUKE SKYWALKER and PAUL ATREIDES!!), a minute of clean vocals on the Canopy song "Symbiotic" (really great vocals on that one), on Godsend's first and third album (doom metal featuring the Edge of Sanity guys, I find A Wayfarer's Tears better), on the Odyssey EP (power/heavy metal resembling Symphony X), and of course STEEL (it's a falsetto, I suppose those count as clean vocals).

Yeah. I think that's all.
You forgot about in Therion! I don't know everything he was involved on with them but I know on the album "Theli" he did vocals on the songs, "Cult of The Shadow", "In The Desert Of Set", and "Nightside Of Eden", and he did the vocals on the songs "Into Remembrance" and "Black Fairy" on the Therion album "1997 - A'arab Zaraq - Lucid Dreaming". I believe he did more vocals with them, I just don't remember when at the moment.
Didn't Dan sing and play keyboards for some lesser-known black metal band on ONE song?? I remember because I reviewed that band's "debut" album for the magazine I worked at in College and was excited to see Dan worked with them (I remember liking their album a little)... Forgot the name of the band though...
Naa, the black-type vocals on infernal are made by dread. and from what I know Dan sang a little bit of _clean_ vocals for the dissectionish demo-blackmetal band called something like Maelstrom. I don't think he's ever really done highpitch growls himself, but you'll always have Steel as a slightly cleaner alternative ;)
Aaron A. said:
Slightly cleaner, L0bster? YEAH, IT'S NOT FALSETTO OR ANYTHING.


Of course it is :cool: I guess I was just trying to avoid saying "he's never sung hihg-ptichetd" and then have someone say "Listen to Steel d0000000d".
madu said:
Dan sang a few lines of clean and death vocals for Mahlstrom, yeah, though I wouldn't really call Mahlstrom black metal, it sounds like power to me x_x

Dan also played keyboards / produced Gates of Ishtar, which was a psuedo black metal band. After GoI broke up, some members went on to form a short-lived band that sounded a lot like Kreator. Again, I cannot remember the name, even though I have the album somewhere in my basement...

When Dan worked with Marduk and Dark Funeral, did he make any guest appearances on their recordings?? I also remember reading something about Amon Amarth, too..
There was also a straight-forward doom band that Dan sang for on only one of their albums. I downloaded it (simply because I couldn't buy it). I can't remember the name (I am useless today) but the album was VERY good.

Also, don't forget the 3 track ep Dan did with the dude from Project Hate called Odyssey, that's a goodie too....