Cleaning up Tom-tracks


Hit'er in the shitter
Dec 12, 2005
What is your way of cleaning up the tom tracks? Do you do anything with them at all? I tend to get pretty much bleed from cymbals, so I often sample the kit and trig all the tom-tracks. I find it better than gateing, but not great. I used to cut out every hit but with to much bleed and compression on the track it sounds like shit when the regions start/end.

So what's your best trick for clean sounding drum/tom-tracks?
You could sample it and use the the replaced track as sidechain signal for the gate on the original (acoustic) track! Maybe move the replaced track a bit forward to to get instant gate opening!
xmarcelx said:
You could sample it and use the the replaced track as sidechain signal for the gate on the original (acoustic) track! Maybe move the replaced track a bit forward to to get instant gate opening!

Are there other reasons than instant gate opening why you don`t like to insert a gate directly on the acoustic track?
That's how I do it to, but I guess I get to much bleed, because you can really hear the bleed fade out too, that's why i trig all hits... But I don't like it, I don't get all nuances in the fast rolls, even when i have like 15 radnom samples. it doesn't sound as natural as I want
You can always do the edits, and then replace ONLY the last hit with your sample. That will keep most of the dynamics, and remove the cymbal bleed.

The other thing is to position the tom mics to minimize the bleed on the way in.
Is re-recording just the tom fills a possibility? I don't think it would take too much time, especially if the song uses the same fills a lot - just record one or two passes and copy/paste, same for all songs :)
Amadeus79 said:
Are there other reasons than instant gate opening why you don`t like to insert a gate directly on the acoustic track?
I think: you get a clean trigger signal for the gate... you just have to care once that you don't have mistriggers and then you always have the gate open at the right position... but yeah a good gate should give you similar results...
I didn't try this method but IIRC Andy wrote something about this...

This was about snare but so why should it not work for toms:
xmarcelx said:
I think: you get a clean trigger signal for the gate... you just have to care once that you don't have mistriggers and then you always have the gate open at the right position... but yeah a good gate should give you similar results...
I didn't try this method but IIRC Andy wrote something about this...

This was about snare but so why should it not work for toms:

Cool link. Thanks marcel :Smokin:
Amadeus79 said:
Cool link. Thanks marcel :Smokin:
Your welcome! I just searched for posts from "Andy Sneap " with the word "Gate"!! Just make sure you use the "Advanced Search" function!