Cleaning up your friendslist!


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
It's totally awesome. I'm not at twitter or facebook, but I use something called "StudiVz". Should be basicly the same. I have a total of 4300 clicks, now it's 5000... let me tell you why:

I decided to delete anyone from my friendslist I don't know, I don't care about and so on. Of course I had to write a message to everyone so they can actually find out if they can still access my profil. and then it happened:

40 messages from people all around germany tellin me that I'm an asshole. HAHA. that was so much fun. I told them that "Friendship" means a bit more than beeing StudiVz-Friends ;) I can't wait to meet these people in real life.

And btw. its 1:0 for Serbia right now. screw you, Germany!
Someday when I bother to spend the time I'll do that too! Though I've been quite anal from the start about people I add. I don't see any reason to get a high friend count on any platform...

Damn it! Can't even see the livestream, something is fucked up at ZDF. And then this!
watching the game on ZDF right now. yellow/red card for Klose... haha... it's so fucked up :D They allmost had the 1:1 at the end of the first half.

I never had a very high friend counter, too. IT's just even smaller now!
Don't know why, could see the first match against Australia just fine, this time it said something about "aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht möglich"... ah fuck it.

What I did a while back was cleaning up my groups, so much useless shit in there. I never look into the group forums anyways.