Clear your calendars Monday September 30!

Probably not, but it's certainly worse today than it was, say, 500 years ago.

What are you basing this on?
I guess from more of a contemporary perspective, is it worse today amongst the youth than it was when we were in high school? I honestly don't know....

i mean I have a brother who is 4 years my senior.
At least in our area, drug use was definitely a lot higher in his HS era than mine.

Its not something I keep up with or research.
I am curious though as I have a daughter who only has 2 more full school years before Jr High.......

Back on topic, are you coming to this show Dave?
My guess is with no Gamma Ray you may not be interested....
What are you basing this on?

I was using the term "modern" very broadly. (That way I can use it to include anything I don't like.) Today, ten years ago, twenty years ago, fifty years ago... not a big difference in the long run.

Back on topic, are you coming to this show Dave?
My guess is with no Gamma Ray you may not be interested....

I don't know yet. I really don't want to go out to Joliet again. If it was in Chicago there would be no way I'd miss it.
What are you basing this on?
I guess from more of a contemporary perspective, is it worse today amongst the youth than it was when we were in high school? I honestly don't know....

i mean I have a brother who is 4 years my senior.
At least in our area, drug use was definitely a lot higher in his HS era than mine.

Its not something I keep up with or research.
I am curious though as I have a daughter who only has 2 more full school years before Jr High.......

Back on topic, are you coming to this show Dave?
My guess is with no Gamma Ray you may not be interested....

Jason, you must have been out of touch back then. Back when we were in high school....people looked at burn outs, longhairs, and rabble rousers as the drug users. In my high school lots of the jocks, and popular kids were doing drugs. It was just well hidden since they were in more upscale families.

I would not want a kid right now in high school. Just seeing what people post on social media sites and reading stuff and having freinds with kids in school...there is lots of drug problems. I think now it is worse than it was saw 20 years ago. Now you even have more types of drugs easily available too. Before you just dealt with pot, acid, and maybe you get meth, bath salts, pot, crack, coke, acid and other crap.

But it really just boils down to good parenting. I had great parents and like the fact that they trusted me and I also knew it wasnt good for you so I stayed away from it. I have been in many numerous situations at parties, concerts, and even older work functions where drugs were present. I never felt the need to impress anyone and take them to fit in or be cool. Most of this was because of how I was raised and my own personal beleifs and seeing others who abused drugs and turned out messed up in the end. It was and still is not my thing.
Yeah it really boils down to parenting a lot. Even lil' ol' Wheaton had a great deal of drugs around, but I never wanted to get into it. Part of it is my upbringing and the other part quite frankly is I've never wanted anything to fuck with my head. Haha.
But it really just boils down to good parenting. I had great parents

I will give you that.
Your mom was awesome!!!!!!!

Your dad called me an arsehole on more than one occasion. LOL......

Yeah, definitely. And being a punk and metalhead through my jr high and high school years, I of course knew it was present. From what I personally saw and heard though, drinking was a lot more prevelant then recreational drug use.

Once again, this is based on how I saw things in my area.
I went to Maine East in Park Ridge....

From what I knew, the "White Witch" (Savatage pun intended) was a lot more prevalent in rivalry wealthy Maine South......
Ok, back on topic!!!!!

LORDS OF THE TRIDENT have been added to this show!!

Lineup is as follows:

A show in Joliet with NO death metal growls!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I really do like Simon, but I have ZERO tolerance for people who text / FB / etc while driving.
Simon is extremely guilty of this.
I see it everyday on the tollway and have seen it cause accidents.

I am a strong advocate of stopping texting while driving.........

Don't call me pissy for I see all of ya'lls political ramblings online all the time....

I'm of the opinion that most people are terrible drivers even when they pay 100% attention, so I'd have to agree with you. :Smokedev:
Iced Earth was the most crowded I ever saw MoJoes.

Yeah, Helloween on a Monday?
I really don't know to be honest.

Bottom line is the amount of people in the crowd will have no bearing on how much ass Helloween will kick. Can't say I have ever been to a BAD Helloween show. Drunk Andi Deris at Pearl Room was amazing!