Cleveland setlist/merch

Steve M

Surasshu Metaru
Feb 1, 2002
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
best fucking anthrax show i've been to.

What Doesn't Die
Black Dahlia
Got the time

safe home
taking the music back (first time they've ever played it live)
caught in a mosh
inside out
1000 pts of hate
black lodge

Metal Thrashing Mad
Bring The Noise

all shirts were 30 bucks
wcfya 2003 world tour shirts. album cover on the front. pentagram logo on the back.
spreading the disease cover... forgot what was on the back
flaming pentagram logo... also forgot what was on the back
anthrax bottle opener. (8 bucks)
frankie picks (3 bucks)
scott package... scott sticker with 2 picks (5 bucks)
charles' autographed drum stick (5 bucks)
anthrax hat... pentragram logo on the front, anthrax logo on the back (20 i think)

i think that's about it.

if anyone bootlegged this show, lemme know.

NO LONE FUCKING JUSTICE. justin and i wrote it on our forearms and would hold em up between songs and scream for it

nothing from the stomp record.
no nicki.
ty was there. haha... just kidding.
Wow, that was fast.

Anyhoo, awsome show. I was right down in front, next to Gasoline Dreamer, for the whole show. They had a nice set, and I didn't have to sit through Motorhead to see it. :D
Awesome set list dude - thanks for the post.

I was wondering when they were going to start playing Taking ........ , after all this talk about it being the 2nd single off the record.
Hell of a show. Talked to Scott afterward he was like "you're missing Motorhead!?" He said they'd be doing clubs in August/September. Frankie wouldn't talk to anyone, no one saw John get on the bus. Charlie gave me "why didn't you e-mail me, I would've put you on the list" lecture but I feel so gay e-mailing for passes. I just sat out by the bus and ended up drinking Bacardi O with some homies. One fella was selling cassettes of new rap shit and the other was peddaling something, but they were all about drinking Bacardi with "that crazy white dude." Ya see, the Agora is in the middle of a friggin' ghetto, and yours truly is a people person, so I made friends after the show. Met Steve at the show, pretty cool guy. He has an interesting stance on some things. Offered Justin a drink, he didn't want one, that immediately made my friends assume "there is something wrong with that guy." LOL Had a really good time. 1000 Points of Hate, Taking the Music Back, and Madhouse were all stellar.
No, Madhouse was last. I don't think it was actually on the set list. The house lights were up and they had already started playing recorded music after "Noise" and Bush was like "wait a minute, bring Ripper Owens up here!" And then Chas and Bush had a discussion apparently over what to play, and then they kicked out Madhouse. I've heard Madhouse done live before - back in 1994. It sounded a lot cooler as a closer and with Ripper. I've never heard NFL before in person, it killed.
TD said:
Hell of a show. Talked to Scott afterward he was like "you're missing Motorhead!?" ..........Met Steve at the show, pretty cool guy. He has an interesting stance on some things.

i skipped out on motorhead too. never was a fan. oh well. after anthrax, i had another beer then steve and i hit the bricks.

i am pretty kick ass, aren't i?

i'm going to a wedding today and forgot to scrub "LONE" off my forearm. i remembered to do "JUSTICE" but i'm too lazy to get back in the shower.
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My friend Micheal had never met the band and we figured we'd have a better shot outside during Motorheads set. Plus, we'll see Motorhead when they open for Maiden and Dio. A half hour of Motorhead is all I need. I'm still curious as to why Frankie refused to talk to anyone. We all have bad days I guess. Scott was his usual arrogant rock star self but still took the time to sign autographs and stuff. Charlie is always cool. I haven't been drinking much lately, and I tell ya, I ended up getting hammered! Two Bacardi O's on top of the 3 beers in the show did me in. That used to be what I called "warming up." Now it gets me fitshaced.
TD said:
No, Madhouse was last. I don't think it was actually on the set list. The house lights were up and they had already started playing recorded music after "Noise" and Bush was like "wait a minute, bring Ripper Owens up here!" And then Chas and Bush had a discussion apparently over what to play, and then they kicked out Madhouse. I've heard Madhouse done live before - back in 1994. It sounded a lot cooler as a closer and with Ripper. I've never heard NFL before in person, it killed.

Wow, I was in the second row, right behind my sister, too. As i get older, my memories start to merge. During the show, i would have swore i could remember the exact order of the songs. Now today, I don't have a freaking clue of the exact order--other than the beginning of the show. At least remember the tunes they played.

I was yelling I am the Law a lot at the end. Wanted to hear it, even though I have heard it before.
Another note and then I'll shut up - I thought Bush sounded the best he has since the Stomp years. He was getting gruffer and gruffer and I thought his voice was really shot. I think he was partying a lot more those last few years and the pre show Guiness and post show cigars must have really affected his voice. I heard he is staying sober this tour and it made a BIG difference. He hit some high notes the way he would've in Saint.
I agree, Bush sounded great last night. At the Headbanger's Ball concert is seemed like he was trying to scream the lyrics rather than sing them. Last night he was singing. And doing it well too.

By the way, what did you guys think of the two opening bands? I thought the first one was real good, except for the Sam Kinison-like bits the bald guy did. I didn't hear much of the second one though, I was hanging in the lobby drinking a pop.
Ty, sorry I missed you. Long story, but I partied with the guys that own Peabody's. Real long story. What's your email??? Post it here and I'll give you the lowdown. By the way, I thought the show was killer but I was right in front of Caggiano. Lamest crowd ever. No offense to Cleveland, I had a blast there, just ask Justin. Lame Lame Lame. Nobody was moving and when I tried to get them moving, they tried to start shit with me. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not one of those guys that gets violent or any shit at a show but people were just standing there with their arms crossed. Lame.
TD said:
No, Madhouse was last. I don't think it was actually on the set list. The house lights were up and they had already started playing recorded music after "Noise" and Bush was like "wait a minute, bring Ripper Owens up here!" And then Chas and Bush had a discussion apparently over what to play, and then they kicked out Madhouse.

That's cool as hell! When Anthrax opened for Priest last year, I was at the last show of the tour in Detroit. Anthrax played Solar Angels by Judas Priest. When they were done, John said "We played one of theirs, it's only fair we get some help from them doing one of our" or something to that effect. Ripper came out and they "ripped" into Caught in a Mosh.

QUOTE=Steve M]i skipped out on motorhead too. never was a fan. oh well. after anthrax, i had another beer then steve and i hit the bricks.

i am pretty kick ass, aren't i?

i'm going to a wedding today and forgot to scrub "LONE" off my forearm. i remembered to do "JUSTICE" but i'm too lazy to get back in the shower.[/QUOTE]

My learned friend...............U rock....
TD said:
Hell of a show. Talked to Scott afterward he was like "you're missing Motorhead!?" He said they'd be doing clubs in August/September. Frankie wouldn't talk to anyone, no one saw John get on the bus. Charlie gave me "why didn't you e-mail me, I would've put you on the list" lecture but I feel so gay e-mailing for passes. I just sat out by the bus and ended up drinking Bacardi O with some homies. One fella was selling cassettes of new rap shit and the other was peddaling something, but they were all about drinking Bacardi with "that crazy white dude." Ya see, the Agora is in the middle of a friggin' ghetto, and yours truly is a people person, so I made friends after the show. Met Steve at the show, pretty cool guy. He has an interesting stance on some things. Offered Justin a drink, he didn't want one, that immediately made my friends assume "there is something wrong with that guy." LOL Had a really good time. 1000 Points of Hate, Taking the Music Back, and Madhouse were all stellar.

I think John got on the bus minutes after Anthrax's set because I had a drink right after and headed backstage and noticed that he was already on the bus.

You're right about the Agora being ghetto. My hotel was about 3 or 4 blocks away. My friend left the show early so I walked back to the hotel alone. I was so trashed that I got lost. In the freakin ghetto. I thought I was gonna get mugged because I had like some 3 or 4 hundred in cash, a movado watch, and a 4 hundred dollar digital camera. I guess I got lucky. Charlie and Scott made sure I wasnt driving. That's how fucked up I was.

You Ohio motherfuckers party like freakin animals !! I went with a friend of mine from nyc and met up with this guy that we both know from our work. He's from Cleveland but lives in DC. He just coincidentally happened to be in cleveland the same day. He had already been drunk from the night before hanging out with method man at peabody's when we showed up in to town. He joined us at the hotel from more boozing right around 11 am. We hit the town right around noon. Thats' when more and more people started joining us. Well anyway, we ended up partying until seven the next morning.
TD said:
Another note and then I'll shut up - I thought Bush sounded the best he has since the Stomp years. He was getting gruffer and gruffer and I thought his voice was really shot. I think he was partying a lot more those last few years and the pre show Guiness and post show cigars must have really affected his voice. I heard he is staying sober this tour and it made a BIG difference. He hit some high notes the way he would've in Saint.

I noticed that about Bush too. It's the cigars that really fuck up your voice I think. Drinking doesn't have as bigger influence on the voice. I think another thing about his singing. I think Caggiano pushed him to the limits so hard in the studio that all that drilling just flat out made him a better singer. I think I read somewhere that Caggiano pushed him really hard. Also, Caggiano brings alot of intensity to Anthrax. I'm so glad he joined. I was skeptical about him at first but he's really grown on me. I've seen Anthrax four times now with Caggiano in the band and they've taken their live show up a few knotches.
AlexStomp said:
He had already been drunk from the night before hanging out with method man at peabody's when we showed up in to town.

haha... method man was doing a promotion for DEF JAM VENDETTA with a GAMESTOP store in cleveland... i work for gamestop and my boss actaully went to the store method man was at to help out with stuff.... i asked him to get me an autograph and have him make it out to "MAH NIGGA STEVE"

sadly, i didn't get it.
Steve M said:
haha... method man was doing a promotion for DEF JAM VENDETTA with a GAMESTOP store in cleveland... i work for gamestop and my boss actaully went to the store method man was at to help out with stuff.... i asked him to get me an autograph and have him make it out to "MAH NIGGA STEVE"

sadly, i didn't get it.

Cleveland rocks. I had so much fun in that one day and half I was there. Too much fun if you know what I mean. A day in a half of complete gluttony and debauchery. With an Anthrax concert smacked right in the middle. I gotta come back....