Cleveland setlist/merch

AlexStomp said:
Lamest crowd ever. No offense to Cleveland, I had a blast there, just ask Justin. Lame Lame Lame. Nobody was moving and when I tried to get them moving, they tried to start shit with me. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not one of those guys that gets violent or any shit at a show but people were just standing there with their arms crossed. Lame.

in all fairness, i know what you are talking about. i am from cleveland and that's why, for the most part, don't go in pits anymore. ask justin and buddy, i was gonna go in at the HBB taping, but some mullet was starting shit during the second song. i still fuckin move down there, put my hands up and shit. but honestly, there is nothing more annoying to me at a show than someone that's trying to get you "into it" by fucking running into you or whatever. that's seriously how shit starts.
AlexStomp said:
Cleveland rocks. I had so much fun in that one day and half I was there. Too much fun if you know what I mean. A day in a half of complete gluttony and debauchery. With an Anthrax concert smacked right in the middle. I gotta come back....
Ohioans do party!!!! I think it is because there is simply nothing else to do. You should come to a Browns game as my guest sometime, it's insane. Also, let me know if you wanna go down and party at the University of Cincy - great town, different vibe than Cleveland but still much fun.
TD said:
Ohioans do party!!!! I think it is because there is simply nothing else to do. You should come to a Browns game as my guest sometime, it's insane. Also, let me know if you wanna go down and party at the University of Cincy - great town, different vibe than Cleveland but still much fun.

Browns game huh??? Depends on who they play but it sounds like a hell of an idea! I'm there. If I go, I'd like it be a whole weekend thing and I might bring my friends along too. Especially the ones with the cleveland hook ups.
AlexStomp said:
I noticed that about Bush too. It's the cigars that really fuck up your voice I think. Drinking doesn't have as bigger influence on the voice. I think another thing about his singing. I think Caggiano pushed him to the limits so hard in the studio that all that drilling just flat out made him a better singer. I think I read somewhere that Caggiano pushed him really hard. Also, Caggiano brings alot of intensity to Anthrax. I'm so glad he joined. I was skeptical about him at first but he's really grown on me. I've seen Anthrax four times now with Caggiano in the band and they've taken their live show up a few knotches.

Speaking of Rob, what did you think of him when you met him? He was SOOO down to earth and modest when I met him last Feb. As Ty said about Charlie, "He's a class act."
Rob is extremely cool. I'm so glad he's in the band (and producing the band).
Steve M said:
haha... method man was doing a promotion for DEF JAM VENDETTA with a GAMESTOP store in cleveland... i work for gamestop and my boss actaully went to the store method man was at to help out with stuff.... i asked him to get me an autograph and have him make it out to "MAH NIGGA STEVE"

sadly, i didn't get it.
I bought my PlayStation 2 from GameStop.
How many hundreds of people do you get calling your store saying "My PlayStation 2 is broken!!"
I have yet to have had any problems with my PlayStation 2 ...
*knocks on wood*
*curses Sony for trying to FUCK me with my PlayStation 1 problem*
ThraxDude said:
I bought my PlayStation 2 from GameStop.
How many hundreds of people do you get calling your store saying "My PlayStation 2 is broken!!"
I have yet to have had any problems with my PlayStation 2 ...
*knocks on wood*
*curses Sony for trying to FUCK me with my PlayStation 1 problem*

about a million billion. ps2's are built so fucking cheap. it's great when people say they didn't buy our product replacement plan either. we aren't fucking with you when we say it's a great idea. 20 bucks right now... and when it breaks, which it probably will, we'll give you another brand fucking new one.

don't use it as a dvd player.
dont' use those verticle stands or stand it up vertically at all.
never ever set it on carpet (duh).
make sure the vents are clear.
Steve M said:
don't use it as a dvd player.
dont' use those verticle stands or stand it up vertically at all.
never ever set it on carpet (duh).
make sure the vents are clear.

I figured you get a lot of calls about those PoS2s.....
I have used mine with the vertical stand since I got it:erk:.
I read somewhere that if you keep switching it from vertical to horizontal it really fucks it up.
I have to use it vertically to make room for my GameCube and Xbox.:)
Sony is the FORD of videogame consoles.
And Nintendo is the HONDA (reliable)........ Any problems with Xboxes?? (I haven't had any.....)
I never use my ps2 as a dvd player and I've had it since the day they came out in the states. no problems at all. the xbox rules though. I have one of those too.

oh, and rob was cool as all hell.
ThraxDude said:
Speaking of Rob, what did you think of him when you met him? He was SOOO down to earth and modest when I met him last Feb. As Ty said about Charlie, "He's a class act."
Rob is extremely cool. I'm so glad he's in the band (and producing the band).

He's the f'n loudest sleeper ever, aside from Frankie! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Steve M said:
not very many XBOX problems, no. more than gamecube but a fuckload of a lot less than ps2.

I also read in PoSM (Peice of Shit [biased as hell] Magazine) that the dude who made Resident evil publicly accused Sony of making the PlayStation2s so that they would break easy so they would have more PlayStation2 sales.
Kind of like when someone buys a Ford, drives it until it breaks (2 miles after the warranty expires), and then buys a new Ford...

Speaking of Xbox.....
Thanks to the hard drive, I've been playing Project Gotham Racing while listening to the "Cantina Band" songs from this CD:
A few thoughts on the Cleveland show.

I thought the vocals were great and they sounded much, much better than they did for the Headbanger's Ball Show.

The mosh pitting on the other hand was very weak. You shouldn't have to try to get people into the mosh pit. There should be a good chunk of people there and into it. People seem to have lost the meaning of the pit. It was always about energy and music and fun. It was only a problem when skinheads showed up or the occasional A-hole. Now, it seems like people think it's about hurting each other or something. Some real idiots over the years have made the mosh pit less fun. It became a fad and a lot of morons started changing what it was about. The Toxic Waltz by Exodus sums it up--"good friendly violent fun in store for all"
A few thoughts on the Cleveland show.

I thought the vocals were great and they sounded much, much better than they did for the Headbanger's Ball Show.

The mosh pitting on the other hand was very weak. You shouldn't have to try to get people into the mosh pit. There should be a good chunk of people there and into it. People seem to have lost the meaning of the pit. It was always about energy and music and fun. It was only a problem when skinheads showed up or the occasional A-hole. Now, it seems like people think it's about hurting each other or something. Some real idiots over the years have made the mosh pit less fun. It became a fad and a lot of morons started changing what it was about. The Toxic Waltz by Exodus sums it up--"good friendly violent fun in store for all"

I hate the huge guys that run around swinging fists like they're trying to dance. I stay out of the stuff but I'll run around and shit for "Bring the Noise." I somehow got sandwiched up front for "Madhouse." That was cool.