click bleed


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
ok i know i am not crazy but a click track (metornome) will bleed into a guitar right? i am recording guitars and have a direct box (countryman) that i am recording to to reamp later and when editing guitars if i listen to the dry signal with gain and stuff i hear the click as well as the drums sometimes. if the monitors are loud enough then it is my assumption that guitar pickups will pick up the click and whatever else is coming out. am i correct in that assumption?

it's not a big deal for distortion and stuff but if i ever record clean parts or like clean arpeggios or something i must remind myself to give the guitarist headphones or turn the click down in the monitors.
yeah. i noticed that about 2 weeks ago so on my last project i had the guitarist use headphones and it was fixed. when my band was recording we used my guitar with emgs and we didnt have a way for the guitarist to talk back to us from the other room so he talked through the pickups lol.
With one of my old bands, we recorded live in the room, and the guitar stopped early - we had the drums coming through the pickups and out of the amp for about three minutes and it sounded so cool and creepy we added it as an outro. Cymbals sound like church bells when they play through a cab :D

Its especially bad on guitars with chrome pickup covers... or hell any pickup covers for that matter...
Man, I remember the hot rails being one of the noisiest, harshest pickups I've ever played - so all the more reason for bleed, I suppose
I agree with DSS3 saying that playing with headphones helps with the isolation and tightness...

..but I'm still not convinced that, that is the only solution.
There was a thread on this before btw.
This is a strange phenomenon...

I have a dual screen setup, 1 x LCD screen and an old CRT monitor.

I only seem to get click bleed when I have the CRT monitor turned on?

My guitar is plugged into the instrument jack on my FIREPOD that sits on top of my CRT monitor.
