Click track

Forge Farm

Oct 6, 2004
Aveiro, Portugal
Hi all.

While recording a band's demo some time ago, I've used as a click track a draft version of the songs, made with Guitar Pro.

Even thought the drummer managed to record his takes, he never got quite used to play with the click track and his performance has suffered with that.

So, what other approaches could I take to solve this problem?

I've noticed that other bands, while the drummer is recording, the guitar and bass are also playing, but I seem to hear the click track on the background.

I would like to allow the drummer to groove, but I can't have him completely off tempo, and usually, when this band is playing, it's the drummer who sets the tempo.

practice practice practice with the click!!! I can't even emphasize what that's done for my band's recordings. My drummer's recordings without the click reveal that he is an amateur. At first, he wasnt open to using a click, but after persuasion from the rest of us, he practiced his ass off with it before recording and it made a WORLD of difference and he didn't sound like an amateur no more. It was not easy, we would practice with our guitars turned down and this damn BEEP BEEP blasting through the studio so we could all hear it. But it helped hella. And he practiced on his drum kit at home. Highly recommended!