Click Plugin anyone???

Aug 24, 2004
Hey Guys,

i searched the web for a "click-plugin" for PC -Vst or Rtas- found none.
And I tried the internal Pro Tools Plugin but it sounds like shit.
I think of something like "Klopfgeist" from Logic.

Thanks in advance... :rock:
I dunno man... i think they all sound like shit, but i guess we have to live with that...

I use the nuendo click track, and sometimes, at night, after an whole afternoon/evening recording guitars on a clicktrack, that thing still goes off in my head.. ALL... NIGHT.... LONG!!! :loco:
What I did was I sampled a stick-hit from my old DR-5 drum machine, I've zoomed in on the wave and snipped it so it's sample-accurate, and I copy-paste it in quarter notes in all my songs. Works great and it's especially handy if you want to have some sections of the song with clicks in eigths or halfs or whatever for feel changes.

The Pro Tools click is "teh l4m3" :loco:
If I'm lazy, I'll use my DAW's click. If I'm feeling particularly active or it's an outside session, I'll run my click via MIDI into my Zoom MRT-3 Drum Machine, using a hihat or stick click sound. Works fine, for my purposes.
Kazrog said:
What I did was I sampled a stick-hit from my old DR-5 drum machine, I've zoomed in on the wave and snipped it so it's sample-accurate, and I copy-paste it in quarter notes in all my songs. Works great and it's especially handy if you want to have some sections of the song with clicks in eigths or halfs or whatever for feel changes.

The Pro Tools click is "teh l4m3" :loco:

That's the way I usually go about providing a click, I just use a drum machine plug-in for the sample.
yea - use a drummachine plugin - like the LM4 or something like that. This way you are also more flexible with accents like high and low hits, some splashes etc. Just rip a sample of the drummers favorite metronome and drop it in...