Which RTAS-plugin for cabinet impulses?


Dec 29, 2007
I just switched over to Pro Tools and I am searching for an RTAS plugin in replacement for the VST-only Boogex which I am using with cabinet impulses. I tried Waves IR-L which sounded very bad. I don't want to use a VST-RTAS adapter, because I want my system clean of this stuff as long as possible. Anybody uses cabinet impulses on an RTAS-only system?
A little birdy told me there's a RTAS version for Revalver MKIII out there.
Is it true?

I tried Revalver but is it possible to load my own cabinet impulses into Revalver and use the cabinet emulator only? I don't need the amp simulation because the by far best results I got by silently running my 50% cranked Marshall 6100 speaker outs into the Palmer PDI-03 (without the speaker emulation, just using the load-box and line-out feature) and from the Palmer's line-outs into my Soundcard. There I used Voxengo Boogex to apply some of the Guitarhack impulses and the result beats the crap out of my SM57-miked Mesa 4x12 cab.
I am quite a heavy VST-2-RTAS user myself..I must say I am having no problems with the plugins I've converted in PT HD 7.4.
Did you successfully try TL Space with cabinet impulses? TL Space is a cpu hog, I heard that it has a considerable amount of latency but it's damn cheap (Altiverb is out of my budget).

I wouldn't consider it to be a hog, and there is 0 latency. Altiverb does have latency, something like Playback buffer +64 samples. In other words, A LOT!

KeFIR in Pro Tools is a HOG and crashy.

Haven't tried many others because TL Space is just fine for me.

The hard part is going through 200+ impulses you've downloaded from the Sneap Forum. :waah: :)
TL|Space was a no-brainer for me considering that it's the only convolution reverb plugin that runs in TDM. I can set up guitar cab impulses in it and have a near-zero latency regardless of how big the session is. Great for taking out of the equation that "I would play like Brett Garsed but your studio has latency" face :D