Clone outboard (1176, SSL, etc.)

I've seen some of you guys mentioning cloned outboard units several times, but I'm only familiar with the Prime units, and it's been a while since they had anything on eBay. What other companies make stuff like that? I like the idea of getting a couple of nice outboard compressors somewhere along the way while staying mostly ITB when mixing, but can't really justify the prices the vintage Ureis and such go for.
Mohog Mofet76 seems to get praised over at GS, they say it has the vintage mojo thing. Not expensive but we have to import them hear from US so i don't know what the end cost will be :S. Btw have you tried email Prime?
Mohog Mofet76 seems to get praised over at GS, they say it has the vintage mojo thing. Not expensive but we have to import them hear from US so i don't know what the end cost will be :S. Btw have you tried email Prime?

Yeah, the Mohog unit looks really good, but the cost will unfortunately add up to at least $1700 when shipping overseas due to customs and VAT :/

I haven't emailed Prime, as I'm not going to be buying right now, but I'd just like to know what's in the market. The Prime 1176 is stereo though, so for the price it's quite tempting!
Yeah, the Mohog unit looks really good, but the cost will unfortunately add up to at least $1700 when shipping overseas due to customs and VAT :/

I haven't emailed Prime, as I'm not going to be buying right now, but I'd just like to know what's in the market. The Prime 1176 is stereo though, so for the price it's quite tempting!

Well i had an email converstion with Prime before i bought my SSl clone from him. And he is doing Mono 1176 to, and a Pultec clone. So check with him first