Closure with myself


Mar 31, 2008
Hello there all Evergreyfans!

Last friday me and my class had our exam in ensemble. It was fun and I sang live for the 2nd time in my life, it was kind of scary^^
And here is the song we played: Closure!:D
We did our own version since we had to fit it into the concert schedule.
My friend messed up the ending a bit but that's okay, he was so fucking nervous XD

I just found when we played The Masterplan as well!
Sure we didn't get the parts all right, but close enough ;)
I'm playing the guitar and doing the vocals once again:)

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Mycket imponerande och kul att se!
Är själv gymnasielärare (inte estetiska ämnen) och hade vart extremt stolt om elever på min arbetsplats hade framfört något liknande på sin avslutning! Bra jobbat, MVG! =)

Edit (so you all understand)
Fun to watch and very impressive!
I'm a upper secondary school teatcher and would have been extremely proud if students at my school had performed stuff like this at their exams! Superb!
Holy SHIT! Fucking incredible! :headbang:

Totally awesome! Your style reminds me alot of Toms', when you're standing and kinda hanging on the microphonestand in that special way that Tom does. And like he, after he sings, pulls back a little bit and starts playing guitar, the timing is awesome.

Basically, you are a young version of Tom! Keep going at it! :kickass:

Are you in a band? You ought to be!

Grymt ju! ;)

Congratulations Mate!
You're on the right way!

'Closure' indeed got very similar and cool from the original version as well!
Another excellent music from an excellent album!

Awesome job, man :headbang:! And you do look pretty much alike Tom himself. Even your posture onstage and your voice remind me of his posture and voice. I'm looking forward to hearing you in a band highly influenced by Evergrey. Let us know about that when the band ( does it already exist ? Are guys and girls on the videos your bandmates?) post its first video, ok !

* And as for Edu Greco, nice to meet you here, mate !!
Thanks everyone!:headbang:
"A young version of Tom", that's just fucking awesome :D
And as for the, "are you in a band"?- part, actually I am! We have our first gig tonight and we are so looking forward to it!
Some friends are going to be there and do some filming and shooting, so I can link all of you to our myspace later!
Have a great day! And rock on :headbang:
Awesome job, man :headbang:! And you do look pretty much alike Tom himself. Even your posture onstage and your voice remind me of his posture and voice. I'm looking forward to hearing you in a band highly influenced by Evergrey. Let us know about that when the band ( does it already exist ? Are guys and girls on the videos your bandmates?) post its first video, ok !

* And as for Edu Greco, nice to meet you here, mate !!


How r u doing mate?
Glad to see u here!

Be welcome and let´s raise the flag for Evergrey!
Cheers Mate!
Jättebra covers Macko! hoppas det gick bra på er spelning i går ( Somniumh)..Ni kommer bli stora!synd att det krockade med EG..Der var skitkul att se Evergey i går. Synd att det var så pissdåligt med folk..Ni förtjänar bättre grabbar :headbang: .
När iditoter börjar skrika att de vill höra covers i stället kan det ju inte vara kul, när man e så sjukt bra..varför fattar inte svenska publiken utanför götet hur bra Evergrey är? :(

p.s Ladda gärna upp fler videos (Somniumh)

Rock on /Snibben/stickan/kungen
gött..surt att den krockade med evergreys spelning i ö det kan tänkas att det var lika mycket röj på er konsert..det var bara en go lirare som skrek efter jack daniels å colaaaaaaaa..annars var det lika bra stämning som på en begravning, som Tom sa..
:worship: Gör en riktigt bra demo nu med somniumh, så blir det en lika snabb klättring karriärstege som dead by april :kickass:
Förresten.. Onsdagen 23/9 spelar ett riktigt bra metalband på Sticky fingers i Göteborg, nämligen LORD DOMINION...kom å kolla själva..insläpp 20.00 .. en salig blandning med inspiration från allt fån Norther till dead by April...Klart värt sina 60spänn :rock